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Spectacular art installation takes flight at Liverpool Cathedral

A spectacular art installation featuring 18,000 paper doves has been unveiled at Liverpool Cathedral. Peace Doves is a mass participation art installation, created by renowned Sculptor and Artist, Peter Walker. It features around 18,000 paper doves suspended on 15.5 miles of ribbon from the roof of the Cathedral, accompanied by a soundscape from composer David Harper. It was originally scheduled to open in May 2020, but was postponed due to the Pandemic. However, before lockdown, visitors to the Cathedral, along with local School children and community groups were invited to write messages of peace, hope and love onto thousands of paper doves.

The Dean of Liverpool, The Very Revd Dr Sue Jones, said:- "I have been reading some of the prayers and messages written on the doves from people, both young and old, they are incredibly moving. From people paying tribute to those they have lost, to those wishing for better times and, of course, many wishing for peace. I hope that people will visit the installation and appreciate its beauty. I hope that people will come and stand, sit or lie under installation and look up at the doves and experience a sense of serenity and peace. As a Cathedral, we offer this space and this installation for you to reflect on the difficult times we have all been living through and we pray it will give comfort and joy."

Peter Walker added:- "This is the 1st artwork to be shown since the Cathedral re-opened and it has been created by the hands of the local community. Thousands of children have participated in this project, writing messages of peace, hope and love onto the doves and I think that's a really important thing to be doing at this time."

As well as Peace Doves, visitors to the Cathedral will also be able to view the return of the popular Angel Wings moving light projection, created by Luxmuralis. Visitors can take photos and videos in front of the shoulder height, angel wings which pulsate and change colour to a curated soundtrack.

Another new, interactive art installation also going on display is Peace to Ourselves. Visitors will be asked to place a button inside the shape of a giant dove and take a moment to contemplate the past year and remember those who have lost their lives.

The installation officially opened on Friday, 21 May 2021 and will also featured as part of Liverpool's LightNight event that same evening. It will run until 31 August 2021, with a series of special events, including:- talks, music, storytelling for children, yoga and the chance to dine under the doves.

There are also a series of Quiet Hours for those who might find crowds daunting, for example, someone who has an autism spectrum condition or sensory processing differences.


Due to COVID regulations, bookings must be made in advance to view the installation. To book your slot for May visit:- LiverpoolCathedral.Org.UK.

Southport Market on course to open its doors this summertime

THE brand new look Southport Market is on course to open its doors this summer, thanks to the hard work of Sefton Council and its partners. Finishing touches are being applied to the iconic market space as it undergoes a major transformation into a leading food, drinks and events space that will boost the local economic and tourism sectors. In the run up to Tourism Week 2021, the latest behind the scenes images have been revealed showing the incredible work by project contractors Medlock to change the interior of the building. Work will soon commence on applying the finer details to the market's aesthetic, combining key elements of Southport's heritage with a modern and sleek events space. External funding from The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and Southport Town Deal acceleration fund has been secured making the scheme possible. The ₤1.4m scheme, which is a key enabler and an early part of Sefton Council's Covid 19 recovery plan for Southport, will see 10 new locally based food units and a feature bar installed. This will be supported by a flexible events area able to host high quality markets along with other events. Southport Market will also include a Changing Places space which is a fully accessible toilet and changing facility for people with disability needs.

Cllr Ian Maher, Leader of Sefton Council, said:- "It is incredible to see all our hard work nearing completion and I cannot wait to see the Market open for everyone to enjoy. Southport Market is an iconic location and one of considerable historic importance to the resort, which is why we have ensured the space is brimming with local touches and influences. Our amazing tourism team have been hard at work with The Atkinson to source old images of Southport to be used throughout the market, as well as local sign writer Graham Booth to design some of the internal signage. Sefton's tourism offer is incredibly diverse, exciting and vibrant and this Tourism Week is more important than ever before to showcase how vital a role tourism will play in our economic recovery following the Pandemic."

Once complete it is hoped the revitalised market will act as an enabler for Southport, and forms early plans of an ambitious regeneration programme for the town following the success of the ₤37.5 Southport Town Deal bid.

Southport MP Damien Moore thanks volunteers after Covid vaccination

THE Southport Damien Moore MP said:- "I would like to thank the volunteers and NHS staff, at Hirshmans Chemist, in Ainsdale, for administering my 1st dose of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine this weekend. 54,051 people in Southport have already had their 1st vaccine, whilst 27,894 have had their 2nd. That's more than 58% of Southport's population vaccinated at least once. Getting the jab is the best thing we can do to get back to normal as quickly as possible and I would encourage everyone living in Southport, if you are eligible and have not booked your vaccine to get it the jab done."

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