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... and Important Emergency Notices ...

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This page last updated on 13 January 2021

Temporary blood donor centre for Liverpool opens

BLOOD donors within Liverpool are being asked to stick to their appointment this January, at the newly opened temporary centre, located at Suite A, The Capital Building, Old Hall Street, Liverpool, L39PP. The temporary Donor Centre in The Capital Building opened its doors on Thursday, 7 January 2021, and has replaced the Moorfields centre, before it will eventually move to a new permanent site in the spring..

Appeal for information following assault in Southport

MERSEYSIDE Police Officers, in Southport are investigating after a man was reportedly wounded, on Wednesday, 13 January 2021, at around 5.10pm, at a location on the junction of Lord Street and Bold Street. We are told that Police Officers were called following reports of a man, in his 50's, being assaulted and then presenting, at Hospital, with wounds to his arm and hand. Initially believed to be from a machete type weapon and officers remain in the area to carry out CCTV, forensic and witness enquiries and establish the circumstances.

Chief Inspector Simon Owen said:- "We’re keen to speak to anyone who saw this incident or has heard any information since. At this stage it is unclear exactly what happened but believe the victim was attacked at the door of a home near to the junction of Lord Street and Bold Street, before being brought into Hospital. We hope to speak to him soon but in the meantime, please provide any CCTV, dashcam or other information and we will take action."

You can contact us via:- @MerPolCC on Twitter, call them directly on:- 101 or ring Crimestoppers anonymously on:- 0800555111.


Bill Esterson MP backs new bill to assist the:- "excluded"

A charity based in Merseyside has won a ₤1,000 Christmas gift .SEFTON Central MP Bill Esterson is backing a new bill that would offer financial help to the millions of workers and business owners who have received no state support during the Covid crisis. Mr Esterson has sponsored his Labour colleague Tracy Brabin MP's ten minute rule bill, which would help the:- "excluded" who are mostly:- freelancers, Limited Company Directors, large numbers of self employed, and workers who changed jobs at the wrong time and therefore did not qualify for furlough. The motion asks the Government to:- "undertake an assessment of any gaps in financial support provided to individuals, businesses and industries over the course of the Covid19 Pandemic; to require the Government to report to Parliament on steps it intends to take in connection with any such gaps."

A survey from Excluded UK found that more than
˝ of the self employed workers in the UK have seen their income fall to 20% or less of what they were earning before the Pandemic struck. Mr Esterson said:- "I have spoken out about the Excluded groups in Parliament possibly more than any other issue during the Covid crisis. In my constituency we have many people who have had no support, for instance contractors who pay themselves through dividends, and were forced to because it was the only way they could get paid. The Chancellor won't recognise dividends as self employed income. We have self employed people who earned just a few pounds more from PAYE employment than self employment in just one of the 3qualifying years, meaning they don't qualify for the self employed income support scheme. We have taxi drivers and driving instructors who took lump sums from pensions to pay off their mortgage two or 3years ago, who have received nothing because the pension payment was higher than the money earned in self employment in that year. People who run their businesses from their home have not been entitled to grants. We have many workers, especially young people, who switched job at the beginning of March and then were let go because they didn't qualify for furlough. I have asked the Chancellor Rishi Sunak again and again to support those who have been excluded from financial support so far. But time after time he has refused. 3 million people have been excluded in the UK. It's been nearly a year. These people need help. This is a question of natural justice. But it is also a question of public health. The excluded 3 million need help so they can help the national effort to reduce infection and Hospital admissions. Why is this so difficult for the chancellor and the Prime Minister to understand? If people don't receive financial support it is very difficult for them to stay at home and play their part. The more people who cannot afford to stay home, the more people who are adding to the risk of infection. When will this Government wake up? When will they help the excluded 3 million so that the 3 million can help everyone else? The Government has U-turned on so many other issues; now it's time for a u-turn on this."

of the:- "Excluded" surveyed said they were struggling with their mental health; 80% said they are stressed, anxious and have trouble sleeping, and 14% said they are experiencing thoughts of suicide and self harm. The Covid19 Financial Assistance (Gaps in Support) Bill was introduced to the Commons by Brabin, the Batley and Spen MP. Bill Esterson was 1 of a number of other MPs who also sponsored the bill and have pledged to support it's progress through parliament. That progress depends on the Government allocating time for the bill to be debated. If passed, it would require the Government to undertake an assessment of any gaps in financial support provided to individuals, businesses and industries over the course of the Covid19 Pandemic. It would also mean that the Government must:- "report to Parliament on steps it intends to take in connection with any such gaps; and for connected purposes."


Make 2021 the year you do something amazing and foster with Sefton

AS we make plans for the year ahead, could 2021 be the year you become a foster carer? Sefton Council is urging local people to think about giving a loving home to a local child who really needs it. The Coronavirus Pandemic is having a huge impact on vulnerable children's lives meaning that we need foster carers now more than ever. Whilst restrictions mean we are recruiting a little differently, we're still urgently calling for people to come forward to find out more about this rewarding role. Dorsey and her husband Daniel have been fostering with Sefton for 7 months and became new carers during the Pandemic.

Dorsey said:- "This is the best thing we have ever done, and we love every minute of it. If anyone is thinking about fostering, please don't let COVID restrictions put you off. We went through our training and were approved during lockdown and the constant contact and support from Sefton Council has been amazing. They have been with us every step of the way. Our 10 year old boy and 8 year old girl absolutely love helping out and having fun with our foster child and this experience has really brought our family closer together. During lockdown we've been able to go for walks and trips to the park and it's heart breaking to know that some children don't have any family during these challenging and often isolating times."

Cllr John Joseph Kelly, Sefton Council's Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Safeguarding, said:- "There is now more of a need to recruit new carers than ever before. Our foster care capacity is full, and we need to recruit a least 20 more additional carers by the end of this year. We can see how the COVID Pandemic has brought out people's compassion and willingness to help one another. Fostering gives a unique opportunity to give something back as you will be helping our most vulnerable children achieve their full potential by giving them the best start in life. Some people may be experiencing changes to their work and personal lives and may have seen their circumstances change as a result of the Coronavirus lockdown. It is a period where some people are evaluating their lives and thinking about changes for the future. I urge anyone who has thought about becoming a foster carer to take this opportunity to find out more and see whether giving this vital support is for them."

Carers receive full training and support, plus payments for their skills and allowances. Join us at our next virtual Fostering Information Session, on 26 January 2021, from 6.00 to 7.00pm, to find out more and meet Katy one of our carers who knows what opening your home to fostering is all about. To make an enquiry or join our virtual information session please visit:- SeftonFostering.Co.UK or call:- 08009232777.

Southport neighbourhoods consultation extended to

RESIDENTS and businesses now have more time to give their views online about Southport's new Liveable Neighbourhood project. Contributions and feedback on the Liveable Neighbourhoods scheme have now been extended until 21 February 2021, as a result of the current Covid19 lockdown restrictions. Opinions and ideas from the local community, Schools and businesses are central to create new street designs for the neighbourhood, which stretches between Lord Street and Cemetery Road. It aims to make the area safer and healthier for people to walk, cycle or use a wheelchair for local shops and services. Over 600 people have already contributed to Tell Us About Your Street survey through the post or online. There have also been 4 online engagement events for local residents and businesses.

Current national lockdown restrictions mean that further face to face meetings and workshops, which are part of the process to gather views from all sections of the community, have been postponed. The community will have a chance to comment on each stage of the design process via online workshops and surveys through the post or on the phone. In addition school children from eight schools in the area will survey their own streets and contribute ideas through activities and workshops.

Sustrans' urban designers use the ideas from the survey and work with local residents to develop a new look street design, which will help reduce rat-running traffic and accidents in the area, and create a more attractive environment for residents and customers. Workshops to feedback the results of the surveys and initial meetings and to start to develop designs for the area will take place at the beginning of March 2021. There will be further chance for people to have their say before a trial of the new designs.

Cllr John Fairclough, Sefton Council's cabinet member for Locality Services, said:- "The Liveable Neighbourhoods Project is a completely community led endeavour to help make our borough clean, green and beautiful in order to protect the health and wellbeing of our residents. We want to get as many views as possible and now people have longer to take part. I would encourage everyone to give their feedback on the project so that we can ensure it is shaped and designed in the most beneficial way to everyone. We are working closely with Sustrans to ensure that we are consulting everyone in the community where the Liveable Neighbourhoods scheme would be; from schoolchildren to business owners"

Ali Dore from Sustrans said:- "We've had a great response so far to the survey so if you haven't had a chance to give your views please do go online and have your say. We can't operate our usual face to face meetings at workshops at the moment due to Pandemic restrictions but we are working hard to try and reach a broad section of the community through postal and online activity. This stage is all about listening to people that work, live, learn and visit the area to find out the issues people face and how they would like to see the area improved."

To give your views on the scheme please visit:- SIN-Sustrans-UK.Hub.Arcgis.Com.

CLA reiterates importance of Countryside Code

WITH more people visiting the countryside, the CLA has reiterated the importance of following the Countryside Code. This comes after reports of country lanes being blocked and crops being trampled on over the festive break. Walkers often stray off muddy footpaths onto drier land and in the process, tramples on young crops and seedlings that are very vulnerable to damage at this time of year.

CLA President Mark Bridgeman said:- "The countryside is a welcoming place which has invaluable benefits for people's mental and physical wellbeing, especially during the current Pandemic. There are already over 140,000 miles of public rights of way and 2.5 million acres of open access land in England and Wales for people to enjoy; and we want everyone to be able to make the most of these while staying safe. The danger in trying to recover 'lost paths' is not only the significant impact on already strained local authorities in terms of resources, but on our already threatened wildlife and fragile ecosystems which need protecting."

CLA Director North Dorothy Fairburn said:- "It is totally unacceptable that farmers should suffer abuse by walkers trespassing on their fields. This is a real kick in the teeth to those working very hard to put food on our tables. 1st and foremost, people should maintain social distancing and not veer off sign posted footpaths. The daily exercise regime should not be seen as a:- 'free for all' abuse of the countryside. Those using the countryside should, especially under current circumstances, be conscious that the countryside is also a place of work where the land, livestock, machinery, wildlife and environment must be respected. The Countryside Code is generally adhered to by the majority of people, but there are a few worrying trends either based on anti social behaviour or a lack of awareness of the working countryside."

3 top tips for those using the countryside:-

 Livestock worrying by dogs not adequately controlled by their owners is on the increase. Please keep your dog on a lead if you are anywhere near livestock. Even the best trained family pet can chase sheep and wildlife if not kept under close control. Also, clear up after your dog.

 Fly tipping is a blight on the landscape and can cost up to ₤800 per incident to clear away and all at the farmer's expense. Please ensure you take your litter home with you and dispose of bulky waste through proper legal channels.

 When riding a bike or driving a vehicle, slow down or stop for horses, walkers and farm animals and give them plenty of room. By law, cyclists must give way to walkers and horse riders on bridleways.

The CLA urges those visiting rural areas to do so responsibly and follow the Countryside Code.




Southport Bijou Cinema founder Michael Lockwood has died

ON 12 January 2021, the Southport Bijou Cinema, on Post Office Ave, Southport made this very sad announcement, that has been confirmed today. "It is with a very heavy heart and the deepest regret that we are updating you today with the sad news that our founder, creator, mentor and truly loved friend Michael Lockwood has passed away peacefully, due to personal health reasons outside of Covid19. Those of you who met Mike will know he was an incredibly private man, but we got to know him well over the last few years, and his main goal in life was truly to bring his dream and passion, the Southport Bijou Cinema, to life. Mike had been running Film Societies and Cine Clubs in various venues for years, but with constant building closures, and companies always moving in and out, he was bandied about and closed down time and time again, and became determined to find a home for his cinema once and for all. Our good friend Robert Joy was there at the start, and Mike was so proud his good friend had travelled from his new home in Texas to see the opening of the Bijou. Mike was the gentlest of people, with a kind heart, a great sense of humour, and an encyclopaedia of film knowledge within his head. Remembering casts and crews was second nature to him, but Mike particularly excelled in being able to tell you the whereabouts of any single location on screen, and his fascination had drawn him to visit most of them. Mike was an avid fan of traversing the UK and all it's cultural heritage, and driving for a living as a rep for most of his life, successfully managed to visit every museum, historical house, gallery or heritage site. But his film location fascination wasn't limited to the UK, and Mike spent a great deal of time visiting the USA, and was well versed in the sound stages and locations in sunny Hollywood (though he often said his dreams of becoming an actor were thwarted when he struggled to handle the Californian heat). Mike was passionate about filmmaking, too, and in his younger days, spent a lot of time as an editor, splicing together news reels and whatever footage he could get his hands on. His drive for cinema never faltered, and he was proud of the fact he got to manually project 35mm himself. Perhaps most saddening of all is that he still had so many films he'd planned to see, but nevertheless, spent his life watching and living cinema. We are so proud we got to spend some years with him doing that together, even if his reaction to a good portion of the films were with strong words I won't post on here. We are devastated by this news, but consoled by the fact that Mike left us peacefully, in his sleep. His dream was to see the Bijou come to life, and thanks to each and every one of you, he achieved that tenfold, even if COVID did put a relative stop to busy get together. Below is a photo from him on our opening night, and miraculously, is one of the only photos of him that actually exists. He was humble and private, and as a result, very rarely uttered a word. He could say everything he needed with a nod and a smile, but we know that he was so incredibly proud of what he'd managed to build, and so incredibly humbled that each of you wanted to and enjoyed visiting the Bijou. Fittingly, the last film Mike watched was It's A Wonderful Life, which features a shot of a cinema called The Bijou. That was a sold out screening, and when the name came up on screen, the 30 audience members applauded. Mike got to see that, and I know it bought a little tear to his eye as the curtains closed at the end of it. The Bijou will live on, and we are determined now, more than ever, to create a successful, powerful institution of cinema and arts, to honour the legacy left to us by Mike as best we can. Please join us in always remembering what an incredible man he was here virtually, and in person just as soon we're allowed."

Editors comment:- "The final curtain has closed on a very inspirational person's life. We are extremely sad to learn of Michael's passing. He has been a huge part of the revival of the local areas arts and media sense within Southport, whose legacy, we hope will last for years to come. Michael was and always will be a role model for many. He was passionate about the local area, art and film. He has really helped us and many others. We will miss chatting to him over the wall about films. Our thoughts go out to you all at the Cinema and to his family.  These photos were taken at the opening of the Bijou back in 2019, and he will always be remembered, as he was here, as a chap who was full of life and enjoyed a good giggle, and had time for anyone and everyone, especially if it was a subject connected to film."

Total UK cases Covid19 cases in and around Liverpool City Region

THE total number of UK Coronavirus (Covid19) infections that have been laboratory confirmed, within the UK, has risen by:- 47,525 cases and the total number now stand at:- 3,211,576 that includes tests carried out by commercial partners which are not included in the 4 National totals.

The total number of Covid19 associated UK fatalities added to the total, was sadly reported to be:- 1,564, within 28 days of positive test, according to the Department of Health. The total number of deaths of people who have had a positive test result confirmed by a Public Health or NHS laboratory is:- 84,767, within 28 days of positive test. Deaths with Covid19 on the death certificate:- 89,243.

The number of Covid19 patients currently in UK Hospitals:- 36,489. The current number of Covid19 patients currently in mechanical ventilation beds in UK Hospitals:- 3,496 Daily number of Covid19 patients admitted to UK Hospitals:- 4,253.

In England, there are a total of:- 2,639,309 confirmed cases. North West - total of:- 448,622 confirmed cases.

The number of laboratory confirmed cases within the Liverpool City Region are as follows:-


Area and number of confirmed cases:- Risen by:-

Liverpool City Region
Nation Lockdown

National UK Restrictions

Liverpool, 36,356 confirmed cases.


Halton, 8,570 confirmed cases.


Knowsley, 12,472 confirmed cases. 256
Sefton, 17,230 confirmed cases.


St. Helens, 11,516 confirmed cases.


Wirral, 17,785 confirmed cases.


Colour Key:- 0  1 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30  31 to 40 41 to 50 51 to100 101 over  

The number of laboratory confirmed cases within Local Authorities around the Liverpool City Region, since start of the Pandemic, are as follows:-


 Blackburn with Darwen, 13,693 confirmed cases.

 Blackpool, 7,075 confirmed cases.

 Bolton, 19,167 confirmed cases.

 Bury, 13,278 confirmed cases.

 Cheshire East, 15,266 confirmed cases.

 Cheshire West and Chester, 15,628 confirmed cases.

 Lancashire, 71,618 confirmed cases.

 Manchester, 40,410 confirmed cases.

 Oldham, 18,343 confirmed cases.

 Preston, 9,795 confirmed cases.

 Rochdale, 16,427 confirmed cases.

 Salford, 17,432 confirmed cases.

 Stockport, 15,039 confirmed cases.

 Tameside, 13,377 confirmed cases.

 Trafford, 12,514 confirmed cases.

 Warrington, 13,278 confirmed cases.

 Wigan, 22,099 confirmed cases.

Total UK people who have received vaccination

1st Dose 2nd Dose
2,431,648 428,232
Jab Stats correct as of 12 January 2021
The vaccination programme began on 8 December 2020 with people receiving the vaccine developed by Pfizer / BioNTech, and people began receiving the Oxford University / AstraZeneca vaccine from 4 January 2021. Both vaccines are given as 2 doses, at least 21 days apart, for a full vaccination course.

Daily reported Covid19 deaths are now measured across the UK as deaths that occurred within 28 days of the 1st laboratory confirmed positive Covid19 test.   Daily and cumulative numbers of Covid19 patients admitted to Hospital. Data are not updated every day by all 4 nations and the figures are not comparable as Wales include suspected Covid19 patients while the other nations include only confirmed cases.


The latest R number is estimated at:- 1 to 1.4 with a daily infection growth rate range of:- 0% to +6% as of 8 January 2021.

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