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This page last updated on 22 November 2020
New organ
donation law in England already saving lives
FRIDAY, 20 November 2020, marks 6
months since Max and Keira’s Law (Organ Donation (Deemed Consent) Act 2020) came
into effect in England and saw the country shift to an ‘opt out’ system for
organ donation. The new law, which saw England change to an opt out system
alongside Wales and Jersey, means that people in England are now considered as
willing to donate, unless they have opted out, are in 1 of the excluded groups
or have told their family they don’t want to donate. For the 1st time since the
new law came into effect on 20 May 2020, NHS Blood and Transplant are publishing
initial data which highlights the positive impact the new law has had to date in
helping to save lives through the gift of organ donation. Initial figures
collated up until 31 October 2020 show that so far 135 people have donated their
organs, after being considered as willing to donate as they had not expressed an
organ donation decision during their lifetime. These donations account for 26%
of all donations that took place during the same time period and resulted in a
total of 341 organs transplanted.
Anthony Clarkson, Director of Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation, at
NHS Blood and Transplant, says:- “Although the law change came into effect
in the midst of the first lockdown, we have been able to complete training for
all of our specialist nurses and implement the new law across the country. It is
still early days, but we have been really encouraged by the levels of support
shown for organ donation and the new law over the last 6 months. While it is
important to remember that many of these families may have agreed to organ
donation even if the law hadn’t changed, for others, it has provided them with
the confidence to allow organ donation to go ahead.”
Even though the law around organ donation has now changed, it is important to
know that people still have a choice and families will still be consulted if
organ donation becomes a possibility. Of all the families approached about organ
donation between 20 May to 31 October 2020, when the criteria for deemed consent
applied, the consent rate (percentage of families giving their agreement for
organ donation to go ahead) was 71%. In comparison, the consent rate was 91% for
patients who had expressed their decision to donate and 52% for patients who had
not expressed a decision and were in one of the excluded groups. 1 of the
1st families in England to agree to donation, in circumstances where the new law
was applied, was the family of Lewis Mcdonough, aged 18, from Solihull,
Birmingham who sadly died following a sudden cardiac arrest. Although Lewis had
not recorded an organ donation decision or spoken with his family, he went on to
save three lives, after donating his liver and kidneys.
Lewis’ mum, Lisa Cruise, an A&E nurse at Sandwell Hospital, says:- “As a
Nurse, I had often supported families in coming to terms with the sudden loss of
a loved one and even cared for patients who have gone on to be organ donors.
However, I never in a million years thought I would ever be the one in that
situation. Not least for my handsome, funny, full of life 18 year old son. Yet
as soon as I saw the look in the eyes of the consultant who came to speak with
me, I just knew it wasn’t going to be good news. Having been the one to break
difficult news to families many times before, I recognised a certain look in his
eyes that told me all I needed to know. Although I was already on the NHS Organ
Donor Register, and aware of the recent change in the law, sadly it was never
something we had properly discussed as a family. It was almost impossible
getting Lewis to have a serious conversation! While I knew straightaway that
organ donation was the right decision, I would urge everyone to speak with your
friends and family today. To know that Lewis has saved lives, is our one
comfort. I kept thinking about how that while we were hearing the worst possible
news, others would be getting those life changing calls and crying tears of
happiness. That was what kept me going.”
Since April 2016, more than 2000 people across the UK have died while waiting
for an organ transplant. The hope is that the new law will eventually enable
more people to donate and/or receive the transplants they need. Prior to the law
change, around 80% of people in England said that they supported organ donation
in principle, but only 38% had actually recorded their decision to donate. When
asked, the majority said they just hadn’t got around to it. The change in the
law came about as a result of years of campaigning by patients waiting for
transplant and families of those who have donated. O1 of those who campaigned
for the change in the law was Fez Awan from Blackburn. Earlier this year, Fez
was waiting for his 3rd kidney transplant, and knew that his chance of a call
was lower due to the fact he is from a South Asian background. Thankfully,
against all the odds, Fez’s life saving call finally came through in the midst
of the 1st lockdown.
Fez says:- “Even though more people from Black and Asian backgrounds are
more likely to require a transplant, people from these backgrounds are currently
still much less likely to agree to donation. For a long time, the topic of death
and organ donation has been a cultural taboo, however I am pleased to say that
we are slowly starting to see this change. Younger generations especially, are
becoming increasingly open to the idea of organ donation. I hope that the change
in the law will encourage more people to have an open and honest conversation
with their wider family members. Without the selfless generosity of the donors
and their families who enabled me to receive my transplants, there is a good
chance I wouldn’t be here today. Some people might be worried about how organ
donation sits with their religion or their beliefs, but all major religions in
the UK, have given support for organ donation in principle. What greater gift
can there be, than to be able to save someone else’s life?”
Anthony Clarkson, Director of Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation at
NHS Blood and Transplant, concludes:- “The last 6 months have been some of
the most challenging for both the NHS and the country as a whole, so to see the
numbers of people saying yes to organ donation, and in doing so giving the
ultimate gift of life at this difficult time, is really incredible. It shows
just how strong the support for organ donation is across the country. We are
humbled that despite everything, the remarkable efforts of organ donation and
transplant teams across the country, as well as the enduring support of donor
families, has enabled us to keep transplants going for those in most urgent need
throughout the pandemic. Even though the law around organ donation has now
changed, it is important that people know that families continue to be consulted
if organ donation becomes a possibility. Sadly, many organ donation
opportunities are still lost each year, as families don’t know if their loved
one wanted to be a donor or not. Please don’t wait. Register your organ donation
decision and speak with your family today.”
For more information, or register your organ donation decision, please visit:-
OrganDonation.NHS.UK or call:- 0300 123 23 23.
What about the
festive season?
IT is still unknown what will happen this Christmas,
but we are aware that Cabinet Office and Prime Minister Boris Johnson will set
out the basis of the plans of a ‘Limited’ mixing of household
mixing. Currently, on 2 December 2020, the current national lockdown in England
will come to an end and we will revert into a 3 Tier system again. This 3 Tier
system will be stronger than the 1 in place before the lockdown, and comes with
warnings that infection rates will inevitably rise again. Calls to Government
are coming in thick and fast for better and clear messaging for the public about
taking care and to really explain the dangers, as we face the possibility of a
revolt against measures, should this
Christmas relaxing go wrong.
Also, we
are still not seeing any proper support for many who have not had any or very
little support since the 1st lockdown, back in March 2020. Groups like
Excluded UK are now ramping up, in hopes that the Government might help them as
Christmas looms and the Covid19 vaccine tantalizes us.
Total UK cases Covid19 cases in
and around Liverpool City Region
YET again, the statistics from Public Health England
and NHSX have had errors within them. As a result of an 141
previously published deaths within 28 days, in England,
being excluded from the published data, on 21 November 2020,
as a result of a processing update, the issue has now been
corrected. This correction of the deaths omitted are now
included within today’s total and daily number of newly
reported deaths.
The total number of UK
Coronavirus (Covid19) infections that have been laboratory
confirmed, within the UK, now stands at:-
18,662 cases and
the total number now stand at:-
1,512,045 that includes
tests carried out by commercial partners which are not
included in the 4 National totals.
The total number of Covid19 associated UK fatalities added
to the total, was sadly reported to be:-
398, within 28 days
of positive test, according to the Department of Health. The
total number of deaths of people who have had a positive
test result confirmed by a Public Health or NHS laboratory
55,024, within 28 days of positive test. Deaths with
Covid19 on the death certificate:-
The number of Covid19 patients currently in UK Hospitals:-
16,390. The current number of Covid19 patients currently in
mechanical ventilation beds in UK Hospitals:-
1,421 Daily
number of Covid19 patients admitted to UK Hospitals:-
In England, there are a total of:-
1,301,559 confirmed
cases over the whole Pandemic. North West - total of:-
293,071 confirmed cases over the whole
The number of laboratory confirmed cases within the
Liverpool City Region, since the start of the Pandemic are as follows:-
Area and number of confirmed cases:- |
Risen by:- |
National UK Lockdown
Liverpool City Region |
Liverpool, 23,480
confirmed cases. |
95 |
Halton, 4,474
confirmed cases. |
32 |
Knowsley, 7,606
confirmed cases. |
19 |
Sefton, 10,197
confirmed cases. |
51 |
St. Helens, 7,348
confirmed cases. |
33 |
confirmed cases.
121 |
Colour Key:- |
0 |
1 to 10 |
11 to 20 |
21 to 30 |
31 to 40 |
41 to 50 |
51 to100 |
100 over |
The number of laboratory confirmed cases within
Local Authorities around the Liverpool City
Region are as follows:-
with Darwen, 9,150
confirmed cases.
confirmed cases.
confirmed cases.
confirmed cases.
East, 8,429
confirmed cases.
West and Chester, 8,571
confirmed cases.
confirmed cases.
confirmed cases.
confirmed cases.
confirmed cases.
11,934 confirmed cases.
12,877 confirmed cases.
9,950 confirmed cases.
10,010 confirmed cases.
8,385 confirmed cases.
7,865 confirmed cases
15,706 confirmed cases.
Daily reported
Covid19 deaths are now measured across the UK as deaths that
occurred within 28 days of the 1st laboratory confirmed
positive Covid19 test. Daily and cumulative
numbers of Covid19 patients admitted to Hospital. Data are
not updated every day by all 4 nations and the figures are
not comparable as Wales include suspected Covid19 patients
while the other nations include only confirmed cases.
The latest UK R number is estimated
at:- 1 to 1.1 with a daily infection growth rate range of:-
0% to +2%, as of 20 November 2020.
Previous 24hr Data
Published weekly, as
to see it! |
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