Big Mac Opens
With Style.

The first of the buildings to open on the seafront site called Ocean Plaza was a new McDonald's with drive in.  The building was officially opened by Champion Prize Winner Charlotte Crowther, who is 11 years old.  She won the prize by entering the Champions  colouring competition.   They were picked up after she got back home from Green Bank High School by a Fire Engine Limacine and whisked off to the opening ceremony.  At the ceremony Champion Editor Martin Hogton was present and staff from the newly opened restraint.  "I was shocked and very pleased to find out my daughter had won.  It is something different and something she will remember for the rest of her life." the mother told us.  Her brother was also their and said "I love the engine." 

One of the first customers said "It is a very interesting design and should be fantastic for tourists in the summer, as it has such a good location, being near the sea."


Southport Reporter  
Edition No. 68
Copyright (C) Patrick Trollope Tel:- 01704 830 521Print out is for personal use only.
 04 October 2002