The Red Bill Drift Shift has
visited Liverpool.
SADLY after weeks of hot weather the
Sun was frightened off by the sounds of the world's loudest motorsports event,
as the as the very 1st ever 'The Red Bull Drift Shifters' in the
Northern Hemisphere, took place on Sunday, 19 August 2018.
Liverpool's iconic waterfront was packed as thousands of fans who flocked from
all over the World to see the roaring cars, spin and race around the
track, that is normally a major road within the heart of Liverpool's City
Centre, next to the City's famous Royal Liver Building...
Click on to read this report....

Please select more news reports below...
Some selected pages might contain
multiple reports on them...
The search is on for
Southport's most Instagrammable bike rides

BIKE hire scheme Bike & Go is
challenging Southport residents to help them find the most Instagrammable bike
ride in the Region, as part of a project to uncover the UK's most social
media worthy cycle routes...
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Letter to the Editor:- "Macmillan's Coffee Morning 2018"

"MACMILLAN Cancer Support's World
Biggest Coffee Morning event is fast approaching and we would love for readers
in Merseyside to get involved. Having...
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Open Day at Southport

POP on down to
Southport and Formby District General Hospital, on Saturday, 8 September 2018,
between 11am...
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Campaign launched to protect patients from life threatening treatment

A campaign has been launched to warn patients with cancer about a
potentially life threatening condition that can occur as a complication of their
chemotherapy treatment...
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A is for Action
MD Productions has a vested interest in making a positive impact within the
community which is the reason behind Blank Canvas CIC, this is a free provision
for 5 to 24 year olds to access across the Liverpool City Region...
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Emma walks 'Culture Crawl' in memory of her Mum

ON 28 September, Emma Scott from Birkenhead, will be taking part in
Maggie's Culture Crawl Liverpool to raise funds for Maggie's Merseyside, who
supported both her and her Mum whilst she was undergoing cancer...
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Liverpool is marking
Merchant Navy Day with a special service and wreath laying ceremony

MERCHANT Navy Day is the annual
celebration of the British Merchant Navy, to recognize and raise awareness of
our dependence on our...
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Ahoy! Shortlist nomination
for Global accolade - Take a Bow Kate

LIVERPOOL Cruise Terminal has its very
own oar inspiring, industry leading member of staff. A new initiative was
launched earlier this summer to find 20 under 40 year olds from the global...
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Lord Street Hotel opens in Southport
ON Friday, 24 August 2018, we headed over to the launch of the Lord
Street Boutique Hotel, in Southport with Jennifer Amy Leigh, Miss
Southport 2018. This is a very beautifully appointed 4 star Hotel,
featuring stunning bedrooms, a high specification 1st floor...
Click on to read this report....
Run For Rhys This Sunday

11 year old Everton fan Rhys Jones from Croxteth was innocently caught in the
cross fire between two rival gangs. He was shot as he walked home from football
training in Croxteth. Rhys lost his life on 22 August 2007...
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Liverpool City Region
Combined Authority approves ₤20m for new Cruise Liner Terminal

THE Liverpool City Region Combined
Authority have approved ₤20m funding from its Single Investment Fund for a new
Liverpool Cruise Liner Terminal. The ₤20m will contribute to the construction of
a new...
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Liverpool turns off appliances the most
to save energy

AUTO switching energy service 'The Labrador' has released extraordinary
research into the full array of ways that we as a nation; with a focus on
Liverpool; attempt to save money. From the wacky and weird to the savvy and
slick, Brits also revealed...
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Liverpool Schools Investment
Programme helps City students achieve more

WITH this year's GCSE results fresh in,
students in Liverpool have seen their grades rise compared with previous years.
The number of GCSE students gaining a 4 (the equivalent to a C) or higher has
risen to nearly 60%...
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National Trust seeks
feedback on future care of the Formby Coast

THE National Trust at Formby is asking the
community to help further develop ideas for the care of the Formby coast, now
and in the future.
Local people are warmly being invited to come along to a series of drop in events to
be held throughout September 2018. They will be able to review the feedback received
during previous consultation events and contribute to the resulting proposals
that are being developed...
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MacMillan bowled over by
₤800 donation

A flat green bowling taster session
staged in King's Gardens, Southport, has helped raise ₤800 for Macmillan Cancer
Support. Southport Flat Green Bowling Club and Club Member, Derek Maxwell, from
Marshside, organised...
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Mechanised robo mower puts Council on the 'verge' of success

WHEN it comes to state of the art technology, this piece of kit is a cut
above the rest. A fully automated mowing machine that can tackle grass verges
and hedgerows in some of Liverpool's most difficult to reach...
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September marks new season and opening
of Annual Print Exhibition for Crosby Camera Club

CROSBY Camera Club is inviting budding
photographers to come along to the start of its new season this September. On
Wednesday, 5 September 2018, the 2018/19 season opens with...
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Life changing diabetes
technology now available in Merseyside

A new technology that is potentially
life changing for many people with diabetes is now available across Merseyside.
After Diabetes UK successfully campaigned to make Flash Glucose Monitoring...
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UK Government issues a
'No Deal BREXIT' scenario plan
THE UK Government have published
technical notices containing advice for businesses in case the UK leaves the
European Union without a deal. This set of documents about how we should prepare
for March 2019, in what the UK Government says is:- "the unlikely event of a 'no
deal' scenario," they warn businesses might face more customs' red tape and
consumers risk facing charges for banking services...
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Children's eye health at risk as parents believe sight tests take place at
CHILDREN are missing out on vital eye health care because parents believe
their children's vision is tested at School. A report released by the
Association of Optometrists (AOP) shows that 52% of parents with School age
children thought their child would have a full sight test at primary School.
Yet, sight tests are not offered routinely at Schools throughout the UK, which
could mean that many children are suffering with undiagnosed eye conditions,
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GCSE success in Liverpool
PROVISIONAL data shows that GCSE
results in Liverpool have improved again. Information supplied by Secondary
Schools in the City shows that, for English and maths combined, the percentage
of pupils getting a grade 4 or above broadly similar to a C or above under the
old scoring system has gone up by 0.5% to 59.5%.
In English, the City is now above the national average for those getting a grade
4 or above 72.6% compared to 70.2% nationally.
In maths, the City's focus on driving up...
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Southport Flower Show 2018 -
Part 2
WHAT an amazing 4 days of floral
delights at the Southport Flower Show. If you did not know, the 89th Southport
Flower show was held over 16 August to 19 August 2018, on Victoria Park,
The event is Britain's biggest independent flower show and attracts green
fingered horticulturalists from all over the world and this year was not
exception. That is no joke, as we bumped into people who had come just for the
show from near Christchurch, in New Zealand and...
Click on to read this report....
Parrots make complex economic decisions to maximise rewards
PARROTS are capable of making economic decisions to receive greater
rewards, according to a new study from the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology.
This ability is considered cognitively complex and could shed some light on how
parrots in the wild make decisions about how they interact with their
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Cirque du Soleil 'oVo' review at the
Liverpool Echo Arena
I hate bugs. No, honestly, I really
think insects are gross!
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Parents pay back to School bill with loose change and kids' savings
MUMS and dads in the North West are battling the stress and soaring cost
of back to School shopping by hunting for loose change down the back of the sofa; and even borrowing from their own children.
A Coinstar back to School survey among UK parents shows 73% of parents in the
North West say they find the process of...
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