Marking the 100th Anniversary since Armistice Day and
the end of World War 1
Photos and video by Patrick Trollope.
War 1 was meant to be
the:- "War to end all wars" and affected nearly every
corner of the World, between 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. Over
30 nations took part in the 'Great War,' as it was known to those
who took part in it. The majority joined on the side of the
'Allies,' including:- Britain, France, Serbia, Russia, Italy and
the United States. They were opposed by Germany, Austria-Hungary,
Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire. When Britain and its Empire entered
into the war, following the assassination of the heir to the
Habsburg throne, it led to a truly global conflict, fought on a
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Please select more news reports below...
Some selected pages might contain
multiple reports on them...
City commits to tackling obesity and
heart disease

LIVERPOOL is signing up to plans to cut
obesity and heart disease. 66% of people in the City are overweight or obese,
and 33% of children do not have a healthy weight. Now Liverpool City Council and
Liverpool CCG are signing up to the Local Government Declaration on...
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Grandchildren inspire Wirral writer to
pen new picture book
A Wirral grandmother has been inspired
to write a new book based on the real life adventures of her grandchildren. From
unicorns and fairies to leprechauns and princesses, Lynn Robinson...
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Steve Rotheram Names Award Winning
Architect as Liverpool City Region Design Champion

STEVE Rotheram, Metro Mayor of the
Liverpool City Region, has announce the appointment of Stirling Prize winning
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Partnership set to
transform lives

PEOPLE from Merseyside are benefiting
from a unique partnership scheme that could see those involved secure permanent
employment or an apprenticeship. Thanks to close collaborative working between
Hugh Baird College, the Merseyside Youth Association and a number...
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Triathlete Michael raises ₤690 for
children with diabetes

CHAMPION fundraiser Michael Barlow
raised ₤690 for the Southport and Ormskirk Hospitals' paediatric diabetes
charity. Michael, 38, took part in the Chester Triathlon in...
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Exceptional School attendance rewarded

A 6th Form pupil who has never missed
a day of School is among those presented with awards for exceptional attendance
at Liverpool Town Hall. Part funded by the Families Programme, but organised by
Liverpool Learning Partnership and School Improvement Liverpool...
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Ambulance Service wins double gold at CIPR awards

CELEBRATIONS all round for North West
Ambulance Service (NWAS) as their communications team was presented with 2 gold
awards at the:- 'CIPR PRide Awards 2018' for their...
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Help Us Help You this winter by taking
a look at our animation

NORTH West Boroughs Healthcare NHS
Foundation Trust has released a short animation to help people decide when to
visit a Walk In Centre. Due to the added pressures that winter places on the
NHS, it's vital that people choose the right service to meet their treatment
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Danny Boyle 'Pages of the
on Formby Beach
addition to the many services at local war memorials, in local
churches and other gatherings, there was a special and very
evocative Armistige extra to commemorate this, the 100th Anniversary
of the ending of World War 1 when, as part of a nationwide event:-
'Pages of the Sea,' 32 British beaches were chosen by
film maker, Danny Boyle for his concept to say Thank You and Goodbye to all...
Click on to read this report....
Former War Hospital pays
its respects to soldiers with WW1 Remembrance Service

STAFF, Governors and volunteers from
North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust joined in a short service,
at Hollins Park Hospital, in Winwick, on Monday, 12 November, to...
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St Teresa's Super Sports Days!
ST Teresa's, Southport, Year 2 children
spent a thoroughly enjoyable day at Rock and River, in Ormskirk, taking part in
Archery, climbing and den building activities. All of the children joined in
enthusiastically and challenged themselves with...
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New Specialist Community Perinatal
Mental Health Service for mums in Lancashire and South Cumbria

LANCASHIRE Care NHS Foundation Trust is
launching a brand new, specialist Community Perinatal Mental Health...
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Hospice chosen as national
charity for faithful Order

1 of the oldest Orders of Christian
chivalry, The Order of St Lazarus, has chosen St. Joseph's Hospice, in Merseyside,
as its new national charity. The Order has...
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Sefton community urged to get involved
in the A5036 consultation

HIGHWAYS England is urging residents
across Sefton to get involved in the statutory consultation on the future of the
A5036 after the High Court upheld the company’s approach to developing options
for a...
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Rebecca Ferguson
shows her support for children's charity

REBECCA Ferguson has
given her support to a new children's charity on 16 November 2018, at the Hilton
Hotel, Liverpool, where she spent the afternoon talking with...
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- Very worrying hacking email doing the rounds again...

WE have been alerted to an email that
is still going around UK inboxes, this email targets people with a threat to
expose their image and what they have been viewing to email contacts. This
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Students attend hard hitting
Real Men Don't Carry Knives event

ON Monday, 5 November 2018, Hugh Baird
College students attended a hard hitting event aimed at reducing knife crime in
Liverpool and educating students on the risks associated with carrying knives.
As part of the...
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HMRC warns of tax scams targeting
University students

UNIVERSITY students are being targeted
by scammers with fake tax refunds in an effort to steal money and personal
details, warns HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
The scammers are using seemingly legitimate University email addresses...
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Christmas is officially underway in
Photographs by Activate Digital.
THE festive season is now officially
underway in Liverpool following one giant spectacular street party. More
than 350 performers, choirs and pantomime characters took to the streets of
Liverpool ONE to ensure Christmas 2018 started...
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Readers Photos:- "Astrid performs at
Liverpool ONE's Xmas Light Switch-On 2018"

THESE 3 photos have been sent to us via
proud Mum Amanda has sent us these 2 photographs of Astrid, from Southport
performing at Liverpool ONE's Christmas Lights Switch-On, that...
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Watch Southport BID's 60ft LED Conical
Christmas Tree getting built up

ON 13 November 2018, The Festive
Decorators UK and Ximenez Group, started putting up the highlight attraction of
the Southport Christmas Lights Switch On 2018, the Lord Street
Christmas Tree. This years is...
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Low cost community funerals
LIVERPOOL City Council has
partnered with 3 funeral Directors to offer a new low cost service. It has
been introduced due to increasing numbers of people struggling with the cost
of organising a dignified send off for loved ones. Over the last couple of
years there has been an increase in the cost of funerals and the amount of
families requiring assistance, and Liverpool...
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Tis' the season to be tidy

CHRISTMAS is on its way and so are
changes to the bin collection service. Residents are reminded that there will be
amendments to bin collections over Christmas, beginning Monday, 3 December 2018,
until Monday, 14 January 2019, when normal collections will resume...
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Readers Photos:-
"Danny Boyle 'Pages
of the Sea' on Formby Beach"
Photographs by Vivienne Hilbert.

THESE photos were taken at Formby
Point by Vivienne Hilbert, at the 'Pages of the Sea' event. She
told us that:- "This was a very poignant reminder of..."
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Businesses urged to claim ₤2500 voucher
for broadband boost
BUSINESSES around the UK are being
urged to make use of a ₤2500 voucher for gigabit broadband speeds before the
scheme closes due to high demand. The Government's Gigabit Broadband Voucher
Scheme has already helped more than 7000 UK businesses and surrounding homes,
who have used the vouchers to contribute to, and in many cases fully fund, the
installation cost of a full fibre gigabit capable connection. The ₤67 million
scheme was initially expected to run until...
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Praise is heaped on to local MP by UK's
largest construction body
THE Sefton Central MP, Bill Esterson,
has recently met the Specialist Engineering Contractors' (SEC) Group in his
capacity as member of the Labour Party's Shadow Business Team. SEC Group
represents the largest sector (by value) in the UK construction industry. The
specialist engineering sector comprises 60,000 firms with the overwhelming
majority being small firms.Following the meeting, the MP received fulsome praise from Professor Rudi Klein,
SEC Group’s CEO:- "Bill has had a..."
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People in the North West drugging
themselves to sleep
TIRED people in the North West say they
are medicating themselves to sleep; and over a quarter say they have had to see
their doctor about the problem. 41% of people in the Region say they have used
medication or alcohol to get to sleep. 7% of those surveyed said they had taken
antidepressants, according to a survey for Gravity Blankets by Atomik Research.
A further 7% say they have taken narcotics such as codeine, morphine or other
opiate painkillers to get to sleep while 14% have...
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Road Crash Victims Remembered
A special service to remember those who
have died or been injured on our roads will be held in Liverpool this week.
RoadPeace has organised the remembrance service, in the concert room of St
George's Hall, part of the charity's World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic
It takes place at 1.30pm, on Sunday, 18 November 2018, following which guests will be
invited to the memorial for crash victims in neighbouring St John's Gardens,
where 5 doves will be released, to mark the 5 people who are killed each
day on our Country's roads...
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New crash map reveals the North West's
riskiest roads
A new interactive:- 'Dangerous
Roads Map' from motor insurer Ageas, using analysis from the:- 'Road Safety
Foundation (RSF),' has revealed Britain's riskiest roads. The A682 between Barrowford and the junction with the A65 was rated as the highest risk road in
North West England. You can explore the riskiest roads in your area using Ageas'
interactive map.
The Region also includes 1 of the overall top 10 highest risk road; the A6
Between the junction with the A589 in Lancaster and junction...
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Workers in the North West spend 199
hours a year on their work commute
GETTING to and from work in the North
West now takes 4 minutes longer each day than a decade ago, according to new
analysis published by the TUC to mark the annual Commute Smart Week organised by
Work Wise UK.
Rail commutes take
► Across the UK, rail commuters face the longest journeys, taking an average of 2
hours and 11 minutes every day; an increase of 4 minutes on the last decade...
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77% of carers for people with diabetes
experience emotional or mental health problems
RESEARCH from Diabetes UK has found
that; alongside those living with the condition; parents and carers of
children and adults with diabetes experience emotional or mental health
The online survey showed that 77% of respondents said that they sometimes or
often feel down because of their family member's diabetes. 33% of carers also
wanted their family member to see more of a diabetes specialist Nurse (DSN),
while 11% wanted a trained counsellor or...
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Drivers urged to be 'Bike Smart'
ANALYSIS by Brake, the road safety
charity, has found that in the North West more than a ⅓ (37%, a total of
1,026) of all deaths and serious injuries on the roads was a bike rider. Bike
riders' safety is being highlighted as part of national:- 'Road Safety Week'
that runs from 19 November to 25
November 2018, coordinated annually by Brake with the 2018 theme:- 'Bike Smart.'
is calling for drivers to be 'Bike Smart' by slowing down, taking care to
look properly at junctions and doing the...
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Nurses and healthcare workers steer
their children away from career in health
A ⅓ of healthcare workers say they
would urge their children not to follow a career in medicine; threatening a
further staffing crisis for the NHS in the future. 32% of health staff surveyed
said they would not encourage their children to join the profession; compared
to just19% of the general public in the North West who would steer their kids
away from a career in health. Low pay, uncaring bosses and long hours were all
cited by health workers as being the...
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