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Book to that lets women know it's 'OK' not be okay is an instant hit with readers

A new book published to help women achieve their true potential has proven an instant hit with readers. 'It's OK! (We're not sh*tting you, it really is!)' was officially launched, by authors Jo Howarth and Ali Gill, at a special event within Write Blend Bookshop, Waterloo, on 24 November 2018.  The book is aimed at women aged 35 to 55, crammed full of advice, practical mindset exercises and journaling activities to help readers overcome daily challenges, which may be stopping them from moving forward in their lives.

Talking about the event Jo from Eccleston Park, Merseyside, owner of The Happiness Club and co-author of children's book:- 'Glad to be Dan,' said:- "We were extremely overwhelmed by the number of people who turned out to the event on Saturday to hear all about the new book and support our new venture together. Both Ali and I have a shared passion for inspiring women to achieve their true potential and we decided to write this book following a conversation we had 1 day about how we always felt like we were waiting for permission from someone to be able to do or say something we wanted. This book is designed to teach women how to give themselves that permission and it was certainly well received by the audience on Saturday. Each chapter covers a different topic. For example it's okay to say no; it's okay to be selfish; it's okay to be successful; it's okay not to be liked by everyone and it's even okay to not be okay. Life is so full of challenges that sometimes we need to be a bit easier on ourselves and we hope this book will help women overcome whatever it is blocking them in life."

Ali, from Prees in Shropshire, who published 'My Perfect Journal' last year to encourage people to find their 'hidden perfect' in every day, added:- "Journaling is a really powerful tool for helping to overcome different challenges and emotions and we talked about this to those attending the event. By working through the exercises in this new book 1 at a time, we're confident women will come out the other side feeling empowered and inspired to go forward in life."

The 2 businesswomen, who met for the 1st time after Jo was sent a copy of Ali's:- 'My Perfect Journal' to review, spoke at the event about a number of issues affecting women including mental health issues.

Anyone wishing to purchase a copy of the book can contact Jo via email or Ali, also via email.

₤14.9m to fund North West trial for green energy

PLANS to use hydrogen to help heat UK homes; and massively cut the country's carbon emissions; took a big step forward with a ₤14.9 million funding boost. The money will fund 2 field trials on public gas networks, blending hydrogen with natural gas to heat around 750 homes in each of the year long trials.

Over the course of the 4 year programme, starting in 2019, the team behind:- 'HyDeploy2' will monitor the performance and safety of using hydrogen in this way. The aim is to build support for a much wider roll out. If adopted across the UK, using hydrogen like this could save the same amount of carbon as taking 2.5 million cars off the road. A major benefit of this blending approach is that it comes with no disruption to customers; they do not need to change their gas appliances or the pipes to their homes.

Backed by the north of England's 2 gas distribution networks; Cadent and Northern Gas Networks; there will be 1 trial in each company's geographic footprint. This means 1 in the North West England and 1 in the North East / Yorkshire. Identifying suitable locations, and consulting customers and authorities in those areas, will be the next steps.

The tests will take place following the completion of the 1st UK trial on a closed gas network. Earlier this month, after extensive scientific analysis and safety checks, the Health and Safety Executive gave the HyDeploy team permission to do just that, at the Keele University Campus. Hydrogen will be blended with natural gas at volumes up to 20%.

HyDeploy2 is the natural next step; demonstrating use of blended gas in a controlled and carefully monitored way, at similar hydrogen volume, on the public gas networks.

Industry regulator Ofgem today announced it was approving ₤14.9 million in funding for HyDeploy2 as part of its Network Innovation Competition (NIC) allocations. By funding level, this is this is the largest gas NIC project ever.

HyDeploy is led by gas distribution network Cadent. Cadent is working in partnership with Northern Gas Networks, clean energy project management specialists Progressive Energy and scientific consultants at the Health and Safety Laboratory, along with other members of the same consortium who are behind the initial UK trial project at Keele.

The hydrogen for these trials will be produced by an ITM Power electrolyser. This technology uses an electrical current to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. When burned at end use, for example in a home central system, this hydrogen will produce only heat and water – in stark contrast to natural gas, which releases carbon into the atmosphere.

"This funding is fantastic news. It means we can press on with a game changing vision: to prove hydrogen can safely keep us warm, as well as significantly reduce our carbon footprint. We know our existing gas networks are in good shape to help the UK meet its climate change targets. Blended hydrogen in this way means customers will use gas tomorrow as they do today, without any disruption or need to change their pipes or appliances." said Simon Fairman, Director of Safety and Network Strategy, Cadent.

Mark Horsley, Chief Executive, Northern Gas Networks, said:- "Through the Network Innovation Competition funding mechanism, gas industry projects like HyDeploy2 are unlocking the potential for green energy sources to make a real difference to customers and to the planet, at the lowest possible cost. HyDeploy2 represents a huge step forward for wider deployment of hydrogen as a clean energy source, as the UK looks towards achieving its vision of a low carbon energy future."

Professor Joseph Howe, Chair of the North West Hydrogen Alliance, a powerful new industry group formed to help progress and promote the region's hydrogen economy, also welcomed the funding announcement.

He said:- "To meet climate change targets and reduce CO2 emissions we need to find ways of decarbonising our energy systems. Hydrogen can be used as a clean energy source to heat our homes and businesses and is changing the face of transport with fuel cell cars, commercial vehicles and trains.  We're seeing major leaps forward in the technology all over the world, but some of the leading research and development is taking place right here in the North West."

Fast facts...

► Heating homes and industry accounts for nearly ½ of all energy use in the UK and 1 third of the country's carbon emissions. More than 80% of homes in the UK are heated by gas.

► If hydrogen were blended with natural gas across the UK at a similar level to HyDeploy, it could save around 6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year, the equivalent of taking 2.5 million cars off the road.

► Hydrogen was a major component in 'town gas,' gas created from coal and used widely throughout Britain before the discovery of North Sea gas in the 1960's. Up to 60% of the gas (by volume) being used by consumers was hydrogen.

Cadent is involved in a wider portfolio of projects; such as HyNet, to use hydrogen to power industry and blended hydrogen to heat 2 million homes in North West England; which 1st depend on the success of the HyDeploy trials, in proving the concept.

► Building on the HyDeploy principles towards wider deployment of hydrogen, Northern Gas Networks is delivering a suite of hydrogen projects called H21, focused on converting the gas network to 100% hydrogen.

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