Southport RFC Fireworks Extravaganza
THE Southport RFC Fireworks
Extravaganza, that was held on Friday, 1 November 2019. Despite the rain, this was a
fantastic evening of entertainment and it did not spoil the show. The event was hosted by Trevor Ford along
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Some selected pages might contain
multiple reports on them...
North West Ambulance Service
sets out ambition to be the best in UK

NORTH West Ambulance
Service (NWAS) has outlined its plans to become the best ambulance service in
the UK over the next 5 years, by delivering the right care, at the right time,
in the right place; every time. In an updated strategy for 2019 to 2024, NWAS
identifies 8 areas of focus which have...
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Nursery in Wirral celebrate
outstanding result from OFSTED

STAFF at a nursery in Wirral, are
celebrating after receiving an:- 'Outstanding' rating following its latest Ofsted inspection. Busy Bees Wirral Thurstaston, on Thurstaston
Road is one of fewer than 10% of early years settings to hold an Outstanding
rating in the UK. All individual areas of care...
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Achievements of children in care

CHILDREN living in care in Liverpool
was front and centre at a special awards ceremony that took place on Wednesday,
30 October 2019. More than 100 nominations were received for the '2019 Children's
Social Care Awards' that was held at St George's Hall; and the
hosting, meeting and greeting and entertainment was...
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The Winter Arts Market
returns to Liverpool Cathedral in December

THE Open Culture Winter
Arts Market returns, on Saturday, 7 December 2019, offering shoppers the chance
to buy thousands of handmade artworks, crafts and design gifts in the lead up to
Christmas. Over 200 independent artists, designers and makers...
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Edge Hill University student selected
for England Women's Rugby squad

WOMEN'S rugby is experiencing
unprecedented growth and the BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Psychology student is
flying the flag for the sport; being...
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Medical Students Vote the Trust
Best Teaching Placement

LANCASHIRE and South Cumbria NHS
Foundation Trust's Medical Education Team has been named the 2nd "Best
Teaching Placement" by medical students from Manchester University.
As part of their studies, 4th year students, at Manchester...
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Members wanted for Police and Crime

THE Merseyside Police and
Crime Panel is seeking a committed and enthusiastic person from the Merseyside
area to serve as a co-opted independent member on the panel for a term to end in
May 2023. This role is an exciting opportunity to be involved in...
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2019 Poppy Appeal in Southport
THE Royal British
Legion is the UK's leading Armed Forces charity. The
Southport Branch launched their start of the
2019 Poppy Appeal with a series of events, along Lord Street, on 2 November
2019. They included a ukulele band playing outside
Jewellery and Antiques, who had also organised a...
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of the Dead at Southport Pleasureland
ON 2 November 2019, Southport
Pleasureland held a family friendly, spooky Halloween event with fireworks,
called:- 'Day Of The Dead.' What a way to end the season at
Pleasureland. These are a few photos we took at the event. Full coverage...
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All aboard the Christmas
Express with Liverpool ONE!

LIVERPOOL ONE is welcoming families of
all ages to come aboard a magical Polar Adventure experience which will arrive
in the City in time for Christmas. Departing from a specially built Station, to
be located on Chavasse Park, the Christmas Express land train will take...
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Janet Wang Wine Academy launches at Lu
Ban Liverpool

ONE of the UK's foremost Chinese wine
experts; Janet Wang; who is to spearhead an exciting new wine academy at Lu Ban
Liverpool. The International Chinese Culinary Arts Academy, housed in the same
location as Lu Ban Restaurant, which opens to the public this week, will be home
to the...
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college student makes final of prestigious national awards

HUGH Baird College
student, Malcolm Thwala, has been named as a finalist in the Adult Student of
the Year Category of the Association of Colleges (AoC) Student of the Year
awards. Malcolm came to the UK from Zimbabwe in 2013. On arriving in Liverpool,
Malcom didn't know anyone and felt he lacked...
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₤1.6M big to
transform Southport has been successful!

Project Team have been celebrating after learning that their bid
to secure National Lottery funding of ₤1.6M to transform the seaside town,
through heritage led regeneration and complementary activities has been
The Sefton Council group have...
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Ask the Local
Expert - Megafauna's Owner Ben Takes The Hot Seat!

....Please note that the item is a
sponsored feature....
THIS week
we get Ben Chew who is the owner of Megafauna, a unique vegan cafe within the
heart of Southport Town Centre, on Wesley Street, to take the hot seat. We had
so many questions we found it hard to knock it...
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Southport Bijou Cinema Horror Film Festival
THE Southport Bijou Cinema on Post
Office Ave are holding a Horror Film Festival, that ends on 5 November 2019, with the
classic 193 film, The Wicker Man, The Final Cut. We popped over to see the
spooking goings on, at the Cinema on Post Office Ave, on 31 October 2019, to see the
Director's Cut of Midsommar. To see what other films are on offer at the...
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Halloween Trick or Treat Street 2019
THIS year the Southport
brought to Lord Street's Town Hall Gardens a Halloween Trick or Treat Street
with all manner of creepy characters. The attraction included a white picket,
like those in American horror films and fantastic houses that had children and
grown ups bravely knock on the doors to find out if it is a trick or treat
lurking behind the door...
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Government pulls support for Fracking
around Formby are breathing a sigh of relief after Aurora Energy confirmed it
was seeking consent to drill, frack for shale gas and test 2 exploratory
boreholes, on Sutton Lane, near Great Altcar village, on next to Formby Village.
After the problems up the road at the UK's flagship hydraulic fracturing site,
on Preston New Road, in the Fylde, Lancashire, many residents worried that the
planning application to Lancashire County Council would lead to similar or worse
issues. But a 2.9 magnitude earth tremor hit the Cuadrilla drilling in August
and lead to the only company licensed to carry out the process suspending its
operation. Now ...
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Renters receiving on average
₤320 deposit refund because of new tenancy legislation
TENANTS across England are reaping the
benefits of newly introduced legislation which is leading to an average deposit
refund of ₤320.27 when agreeing a new rental contract. The reimbursement is to
do with the Tenant Fees Act 2019 which came into force on 1 June 2019.
Among many things, the new rules mean that security deposits are capped at a
maximum of 5 weeks' rent for tenancies with an annual rent of less than ₤50,000,
or a maximum of 6 weeks' rent for tenancies where the annual rent ...
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Metro Mayor Calls for ₤200m To Clean Up
Brownfield Sites for Housing
STEVE Rotheram, Metro Mayor of the
Liverpool City Region, has called on this, or any future government, to provide
₤200m funding to clean up brownfield sites and make them ready for development.
Speaking as the Combined Authority prepares to consider a new Housing Statement,
which sets out its vision for housing across the City Region, Steve Rotheram
said:- "Everybody should have the right to a safe and comfortable place to
call home, but a national housing crisis means this is out of reach for too..."
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Liverpool based companies strike gold
at manufacturing awards
2 Liverpool based companies have struck
gold at the Regional heats of a major national manufacturing awards programme
organised by Make UK, the manufacturers' organisation. The awards which
recognise excellence among manufacturing companies in 6 categories, as well as 2
Apprentice categories, were presented at the North West annual dinner of Make UK
which was sponsored by Japanese IT solutions provider Hulft.
Prinovis Ltd, a commercial printing manufacturer based in Speke was awarded the
Make UK Sustainability Award for its clear...
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Lancashire to receive ₤1.9
million for rollout of digital Hospital prescriptions
PATIENTS in Lancashire
will benefit from new digital prescription technology backed by ₤1.9 million of
Government investment, the Minister for Health confirmed. The technology will
see Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust and Blackpool Teaching Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust move away from handwritten prescriptions, helping improve
patient safety, saving the NHS time and money and offering benefits to patients
by reducing medication errors by up to 30% when compared with the old paper
systems. Ensuring fast access...
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Southport Charity Christmas Parade 2019
THE annual Southport Charity Christmas
Parade will be held on Sunday, 1 December 2019, from 4:00pm to around 7:00pm.
The event, hosted by Lifetime Experience Events, will see a convoy of Cars,
Vans, Trucks and Floats, decorated with Christmas lights pulling through the
Town. The event will...
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