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North West Residents Urged To Take Advantage of 2023 Will Writing Campaign

RESIDENTS in the North West are being urged to secure their spot this month to have a Will written to protect their families' assets and inheritance during this year's Will Aid campaign.

During the current cost of living crisis, the Will Aid scheme, which sees Solicitors across the UK volunteering their time to write Wills throughout November, represents a great opportunity to tick writing your Will off your to do list, and ensure your family's future is protected.

The annual nationwide fundraising campaign shares its proceeds between nine of the UK's leading charities:- ActionAid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, Sightsavers, SCIAF (Scotland) and Trocaire (N. Ireland).

Will Aid is open and appointments are now available at 25 firms across the Region. Visit:- WillAid.Org.UK to find your nearest Solicitor, but hurry as bookings will close at the end of November.

Like previous years there is expected to be a high demand, so people are encouraged to book an appointment now with a participating Solicitor, which they can find via the Will Aid website.

Will Aid has been running since 1988 and is open to all adults. The campaign has encouraged more than 350,000 people to write their Will with a regulated and insured Solicitor and, in so doing has raised over £24 million in donations, and many millions more in pledged legacies. The suggested voluntary donation is £100 for a single Will and £180 for a pair of mirror Wills.

Peter de Vena Franks, Campaign Director for Will Aid, said:- "The money raised each year is incredibly important for each of our partner charities. It was inspiring to see our committed Solicitors, continue to volunteer their time to raise vital funds last year. I encourage anyone who does not yet have a Will to use this opportunity to protect loved ones and causes close to them, while supporting nine of the UK's best-loved charities."

Jonathan Chase, Chair of Will Aid, added:- "We are very grateful to all the Solicitors, new and returning, who selflessly volunteer their time to write thousands of Wills without their normal fee each year. Not only does their philanthropy help thousands of local people protect their loved ones and causes close to them with a professionally written Will, but it also helps the Will Aid partner charities continue their life changing work."

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Engagement approved on blueprint for Liverpool City Region's development until 2040

THE Liverpool City Region Combined Authority has approved plans for a 12 week public engagement on a draft Spatial Development Strategy (SDS) outlining the potential for development in the Region between now and 2040.

The comprehensive plan sets out how future development can contribute to the Region's overarching objectives, such as:- decarbonisation, tackling health inequalities and building an inclusive economy.

The draft document is a high-level land-use planning framework that will help shape the lives of City Region residents for decades to come by responding to the area's issues and opportunities.

The framework will help ensure that there is appropriate development across the City Region until 2040. Once finalised, it will be used alongside Local Plans produced by local authorities, to shape and make decisions on planning applications.

Steve Rotheram, Mayor of the Liverpool City Region, said:- "A Spatial Development Strategy is important in the future development of our whole area. The whole point of devolution is that is gives areas like ours the opportunity to chart our own course and invest in projects that can leave a positive, lasting impact on our resident's lives. Few issues have a bigger influence on our daily lives than the spaces we live and work in; they dictate the public services we can access, the education we can provide to our children and the opportunities within our reach. As our community continues to grow, it's vital that we continue to develop and improve our local area with quality, affordable homes, better connected public transport, improved public services and infrastructure. I 've always been clear that throughout this process, our framework will only be used as a force for good; and in collaboration with our communities and our local authorities. More than 1.6m people call our Region home and they understand the opportunities and challenges facing our area better than anyone in Westminster or Whitehall ever could. This strategy is about raising the aspirations and opportunities for everyone who lives, works and grows up in our Region. Everyone who lives and works here has a stake in our future and I 'd encourage as many people as possible to get involved to make sure your voice is heard."

Councillor Graham Morgan, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Spatial Planning, said:- "Planning is an important issue with a direct impact on people's lives which affects everything from our health and wellbeing to our economic opportunities. That's why this Spatial Development Strategy is so important and why I 'm encouraging everyone to have their say through this latest engagement exercise."

The SDS has been developed in collaboration with the 6 constituent local authorities of the Liverpool City Region:- Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral. It has involved:- planners, regeneration teams, housing professionals and environmental advisors working together to develop policy, review the evidence base and comment on drafts..

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