- Powergen fails Merseyside consumers on power advice
RESEARCH from the industry regulator Ofgem reveals that the quality of
energy efficiency advice has improved over the last year but more could be
done. The researchers found that the energy giants need to encourage
consumers to reduce energy consumption. Customers also are in the dark over
the availability of grants and energy efficiency measures.
Powergen scored 62 out of 99 to finish bottom of all the power suppliers
surveyed. And energywatch wants to know why Powergen consumers in Merseyside
are not getting the advice they are entitled to.
Tim Whittle, Area Manager for energywatch in Merseyside, said:- "Getting
this advice right is crucial - it can save Staffordshire customers up to
£200 on their energy bills per year. But when it comes to giving out clear
and appropriate advice, Powergen is no Claire Rayner.
When it comes to encouraging people to switch off unused lights, Powergen are not switched on."
Customers who want to save a bob or two, can take the following free simple
energy efficient steps:-
Turn off television, stereos and computers:- don't leave them on stand by
Close your curtains at dusk to stop heat escaping through the windows
Turn lights off when you leave a room. If you use any light for four hours
or more, replacing it with an energy saving bulb will help it to last 12
times longer
Defrost your freezer regularly to keep it running efficiently and cheaply
Always wash a full load in your washing machines and dishwashers and if you
can't, use a half-load or economy programme if your machine has one
By not leaving TV's etc on standby they will use up to 85% less energy.
Only boil the water that you need
In addition, the following tips offer savings over and above their initial
Replacing a 15 year old boiler could reduce your fuel bill by 20 percent Using an easy-to-fix brush or PVC seal on your exterior doors and filling gaps in
floorboards and skirting boards with newspaper or sealant will stop draughts and escaping heat.
An energy saving lightbulb will pay for itself within a year and last up to twelve times longer than an
ordinary bulb.
Turning your thermostat down by 1°C could cut your heating bills by up to 10%.
North West College Restaurants Top of the Class
INDUSTRY bible Restaurant magazine has declared three North West college restaurants as the best in the North of England, and staff and students are now hoping to go on to the national finals in February next year.
Already popular with the local gastronomes, college restaurants in Pendleton, South Trafford and St Helens have now made the regional shortlist for the prestigious College Restaurant of the Year competition.
Thom Hetherington, Marketing and Event Director at Restaurant magazine said:-
"The quality of entries has been outstanding but these three really stood out; I know our panel are desperate to get down to them and tuck in."
The national winners will get the opportunity to cook with Sodexho's prestige catering team at Royal Ascot, and will also cook for top chefs such as Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver at 'Restaurant Live 2004', the industry's premier trade show.
LIVERPOOL'S life-savers received a big civic thank you at a special ceremony at the Town Hall tomorrow night.
The Lord Mayor hosted a reception to thank the hard-working men and women of the emergency services on Merseyside.
The Mayor, Councillor Ron Gould, said:- "Our emergency services do an excellent job. The dedication and devotion to duty they show is incredible. We are showing how much we value and appreciate their commitment."
Representatives from the Police, Fire and Ambulance Services, the British Red Cross and the British Transport Police, John Lennon Airport Emergency staff, the Port of Liverpool Police, the Special Constabulary and the H.M. Coastguard were all be present.
Merseyside's Chief Fire Officer Anthony McGuirk said:- "It's a great honour to be invited to the Town Hall for this special ceremony. It's a difficult time for all emergency workers, and it's nice to be recognised."
