UFI Ltd, the company behind learndirect - the UK's largest e-learning
network - has appointed a new Head of Region in the North West.
Michelle Lofthouse will lead the team which co-ordinates the region's 8
hubs, 220 learndirect centres and more than 500 UK Online centres. Her
focus will be on engaging businesses, reaching out to new and excluded
learners and maintaining and improving quality in the learndirect network.
As a former teacher and teacher-trainer, Michelle who is 34 and
comes from Leeds, has a strong background in education as well as in business development. She
comes to Ufi/learndirect from Cambridge International Examinations where as
Director of Customer Development she was responsible for building strategic
partnerships across the education sector.
She said:- "learndirect offers a marvellous opportunity for people in the
North West, and I am delighted to be taking it forward in to 2004.
By offering individuals and businesses flexible and affordable training,
learndirect has already made an impact on regional skills levels, particularly in the areas of Skills for Life like literacy and numeracy and
in workforce development. The North West is home to more than 350,000
companies, and we can help improve their competitiveness by continuing to
provide quality, adaptable training.
I know learndirect can make a significant contribution to the North West's
economic and social health, but I'm also aware delivering learning at a
regional level depends largely on the links we forge with education and
development partners, business and community groups. In order to be
successful in the region, we need to be active in it, and I'm looking
forward to the challenges and possibilities ahead."
WITH less than a month left to nominate the unsung stars of the classroom for the Teaching Awards 2004, parents, pupils, former pupils, governors and colleagues are urged to put forward an inspiring headteacher, teacher or teaching assistant online at
www.teachingawards.com. The deadline for nominations is 31 January 2004.
The Teaching Awards recognise, reward and share best practice in teaching and are an annual celebration of the work of inspiring headteachers, teachers and teaching assistants from across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
By making a nomination the public can kick start a process which will bring a wealth of benefits to their whole school community. In addition to the well deserved recognition brought by receiving a nomination, Regional Winners will be awarded a prize package of cash and ICT equipment worth £3,000 for their schools.
They will also be invited to attend the Teaching Awards Weekend of Best Practice next autumn. The 10 Teaching Awards 2004 National Winners will be announced at the National Ceremony which will be shown on the BBC. The National Winners take back a prize package worth over £25,000 of cash, ICT equipment and professional development courses to their schools.
