GREATER MERSEYSIDE'S biggest skills fair have attracted more than 10 of the major local employers together with several local colleges and other learning providers during its time, is now set to get a new addition to its accolade in the form of drama director Phil Redmond and his Mersey television company.
The Festival of Skills is unique in that it will enable young people to interact with companies. Mersey Television's involvement means that budding media types will be able to gain hands on experience of television make-up techniques, design and set dressing skills plus camera, sound and vision operation.
Businesses signed up to take part in The Festival of Skills include Jaguar, Carillion Construction, WSP Civil Engineers and Mersey Television.
Mersey Television's Phil Redmond said:- "I am fully behind The Festival
of Skills as I am a great believer in building business through training
local people to acquire new skills. This has been behind the success of
Mersey Television over the years."
Predominately aimed at year nine pupils, the event is also open to all young people needing career
guidance including the unemployed and others not currently in full time education.
The Festival of Skills is being held at Aintree Racecourse on the 2nd and 3rd of February. For further information please contact Paver Downes on 0151 293 0505.
- 'Safety' Funds on Offer
EFFORTS to involve young people in improving community safety in Sefton have received a New Year boost with an invitation to local organisations to apply for valuable project funding.
More than £10,000 remains in a special fund designed to support the work of local groups which help 11-19 year olds to get involved in local community issues and undertake projects that will benefit both the community and themselves through the acquisition of new skills.
However, to avoid the funds being lost, established community organisations within Sefton are being encouraged to contact fund managers without delay.
The appeal for applications for Young Person's Community Safety Fund grants worth £1,000 each has come from Joan Ford at the Community Foundation for Merseyside which manages the cash on behalf of Sefton Council. The funding is allocated to the Council by the Safer Merseyside Partnership.
"The fund has been extremely popular and we have already awarded more than
20 grants worth nearly £20,000, community safety is all about preventing crime and the fear of crime, and discouraging violent and disorderly behaviour" said Ford. Tell
us your news and views today!

EVERTON legend Graeme Sharp urged people to continue to make recycling their goal when he gave a helping hand to support a national campaign to recycle Christmas cards.
The Goodison great gave a half-time boost to the campaign launched this month by Rethink Rubbish and the Woodland Trust,
to encourage Merseysiders to recycle their Christmas cards in the New Year to help create new woodland.
"There's been a great response to the campaign so far with lots of people posting their Christmas cards into the special recycling bins at WHSmith and Tesco,"
said Rethink Rubbish supporter Graeme. "But more than a billion cards were sent by people in the UK this Christmas, so there's sure to be a lot more out there waiting to be recycled!"
The recycling bins can be found in all WHSmith High Street stores and all Tesco stores across the UK and will be collecting cards until 1 February 2004. Last year, 40 million cards were collected by the scheme, which would fill Goodison Park almost 50 times over. This year's aim is to smash this record and recycle even more!
Rethink Rubbish has teamed up with the Woodland Trust to encourage everyone in the UK to recycle as much of their festive rubbish as they can.
"The number of homes with kerbside collection schemes is set to increase further in the New Year, making recycling even
More than 60 per cent of the contents of the average household bin can be recycled, including many items that often get thrown away such as paper, glass and aluminium cans.
By teaming up with the Toffees and the Woodland Trust, we hope to get everyone to make a New Year's resolution to recycle."
said Rethink Rubbish campaign director Gareth Morton.