- It's Your City,,,,,,
- So... Don't Mess It Up
- A MAJOR campaign to make Liverpool a cleaner, greener and safer city by combatting environmental crime has been launched.
Under the slogan "It's Your City Don't Mess it up" the City Council has joined with the Environment Agency, Network Rail, the Police, Enterprise Liverpool and Sustrans to get home the message that its is easy to avoid committing environmental crimes.
The campaign's message is"Just Don't Do It" and has five
"don'ts" as its theme
o Don't drop litter
o Don't allow your dog to foul
o Don't fly tip
o Don't Fly-post
o Don't deface with graffiti.
And people, who ignore this message are being warned they will face prosecution. Teams of Council officers will be carrying out operations throughout the city in the next few weeks to enforce environmental legislation, whether it is people dropping litter or not clearing up after dog fouling or any other anti-social behaviour which harms the environment.
Hot-spots for litter, fly-tipping and other offences will receive special attention and offenders are being warned they face hefty fines. The maximum fine, for people who drop litter, for example is £2,500
"There is no excuse for people ruining our environment," said Cllr Richard Oglethorpe, Executive Member for Green Issues. "They have been given enough warnings and now we are going to take action.
It is a minority of people who act in this irresponsible manner but they ruin the environment for the overwhelming majority who are sick and tired of their anti-social activities.
We have a simple message for the litterbugs, the fly-tippers, the graffiti artists and the other environmental criminals. Just Don't Do It or you will end up in court, facing a hefty fine."
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THIS years Formby Festival is only a few days of now. With a estimated 80,000 people due to visit and with Romans descending on the sand dunes on the 3 July and on the 10 and 11 July their will be no shortage of
FREE action during the day! On the 3 and 4 a large fun fair will be sited on the car park, but do not panic as it will have room for you to park. Top Liverpool bands Speed Ball, L20, Out There, Fire Head, Tin Rocket and others will be playing for free in the day time on a specially constructed stage, with full lighting and sound systems that you would find in any Theatre, but this time in the
OPEN! Licensed Bar will be available to evening performances as well as food and during stalls bay day and late into the evening... The police will be conducting displays as well as a Microlight display, a real Steam train on the 4 July, lots of side shows, craft displays as well as a car boot sale on the last weekend... We can not list everything, but hope this gives you at idea of what you will find.
Evenings are ticket only,
July 3 ABBA (UK) £12 7:30pm Ticket not Transferable.
July 4 Gospel Night £3.00 7:30 pm Ticket not Transferable
July 9 Battle of Bands £5.00 7:30 pm Ticket not Transferable
July 10 Humphrey Lyttelton & his band 7:30pm £10 Ticket not Transferable
July 11 Folk in Pinewoods £4.00 7.30pm Ticket not Transferable
Discounts available on 3 July & 10 July only. £4.00 off for OAP's and under 16.
Tickets now available from (us) Southport Reporter & Mersey Reporter, 4a Post Office Ave, Southport, 01704 513 569 and also CVS, Rosemary Lane Formby 01704 877311 and Prichard's Bookshops, 01704 875765.