- Sefton
Cabbies Take Disabled Children For A Ride...
SOUTHPORT'S Pleasureland was
home to this years Sefton Taxi Cab Children's Day out on the
Wednesday 7 July. The annual charity event once again had taxi
cab drivers from all over Sefton decorating their cars and taking
disabled children for a trip to the theme park with Police and Fire Engine
escorting them all the way from Crosby... "The
event went extremely well and we would like to thank all who took
part, poetically the Merseyside Fire Service Museum and Merseyside
Police, o' and not forgetting the staff at Pleasureland... and the countless
others, including the cabbies who took part." A spokes person
for the group told us (dressed
as Shrek..) 

Taxi Drivers 55th Blind Children's Outing

ON Thursday the 8 July, the Liverpool taxi drivers taking the children from The Royal School for the Blind and St Vincent’s School for the Blind went on their annual day out.
Despite the heavy rain this year they headed to Southport. The first outing to Southport was in 1949, and so it was for the next 39 years, until 1988 when the venue then changed to Camelot Theme Park. This year the drives decided to go back to their roots. "A lot has changed over the years, as we have developed, now instead of just a day out on the fair, the children enjoy a meal on arrival, drinks, sweets, crisps, you name it they get it, the word NO is taboo on that day." we were told by a large croup of drivers. After the food they then went on the fun rides, as many and as often as they liked after, returning to the café Karavan Seria, were they enjoy a party style buffet with music from Mr Trix. Then the children received presents, (which they have chosen some weeks before).
"I am given to understand that this is the biggest children’s outing by taxi drivers in the country, so much so that we will again have London cabbies with us, as well as cabs from Carlisle. The original concept has moved on, as over the years the trade as a whole has given excellent support, so much in fact that in the latter yeas we have been able to help the schools purchase equipment that they could not otherwise afford. That is why this year we will be able to give both schools a cheque for £5,000 each, to spend on special projects that otherwise they would have had trouble financing."
were were told by the organizer Bill.
Organizer thank Merseyside
Police for providing an escort their and back.
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