EDGE Hill’s Sporting Edge community sports complex is supporting the Government’s drive to reduce soaring obesity rates in the UK. To celebrate its first seven years as a sporting complex, a free Family Fun Day, on Sunday
18 July, will launch the newly refurbished and extended fitness suite, and offer a range of activities for all the family.
St Helens Rugby League stars Darren Albert and Paul Wellens will be throwing their weight behind the Sporting Edge’s campaign to fight the flab, when they officially open the new gym at 12.45pm.
Fitness Manager Rob Stewart is hoping that people will take the opportunity to try out some of the activities on offer.
He said:- “The Government is promoting the importance of regular exercise and its role in reducing the risk of illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes. Here at Sporting Edge we can help to make healthy activity an enjoyable part of your lifestyle. The Family Fun Day will offer free and fun activities suitable for everyone. There will be swimming, badminton, fitness classes, charity challenges in the fitness suite and sports challenges such as rugby goal kicking and netball. There will also be displays of martial arts and dancing as well as tours of the facilities.”
As an experienced fitness specialist, Rob has worked at the Sporting Edge for two years and helped many to gain a new lease of life through weight loss and activity programmes.
Jean O’Brien from Ormskirk has reaped the benefits from using the free personal training service, having lost over four stones in two years, as well as reducing her dependence on medication.
Jean said:- “I had started to lose weight before I joined Sporting Edge but I had some way to go before reaching my target. The staff developed a personalised exercise programme for me that includes cardiovascular as well as resistance work. I am still losing weight and I don’t have to rely on medication to reduce my blood pressure, as that is now under control. My gym visits have become a way of life now and I feel much happier and healthier as a result. The staff have been really supportive and because my programme is changed on a regular basis, I don’t get bored with the same work out.”
The Sporting Edge also hosts a range of activities for children from swimming lessons to mini soccer coaching, as well as school holiday play schemes. Local and regional sports clubs are also making the most of the first class facilities, holding regular classes in athletics, basketball, football, tennis, fencing, dancing and gymnsatics.
For further information about Sporting Edge please call 01695 584745.

EDGE Hill College of Higher Education opened its doors to Birkenhead 6th
Form College, when over 300 students spent the day at the Ormskirk
Students learned about what to expect from the Edge Hill higher
education experience, as well as finding out about how to apply for
university, the courses on offer, life on campus and how to manage
Wendy Bowe who arranged the visit said:- “Everyone seemed to
enjoy their time at Edge Hill. We’ve had lots of very positive
feedback from students who were most impressed with our facilities
and services. Many of them have been encouraged to apply to Edge
Hill and we hope to see them here again as new undergraduates in the
years to come.”
Throughout the summer Edge Hill will be welcoming lots of school
parties from the north west region to the Ormskirk Campus, some
taking advantage of residential visits and the chance to try out
classes in subjects such as journalism, history and sports.
Year Old Boy Robbed
On Coastal Road!
are appealing for information about a robbery in Southport.
At about 4pm on Saturday 12 June, a 14 year old boy was pedalling
along the coastal road with his two friends when a white, F
registered Vauxhall Nova stopped a short distance away.
Two men got out of the car and approached the group of boys,
stopping them.
One of the men then took
the victim's mobile phone from his hand. The victim then cycled off
towards Southport with his friends.
The boys were not injured during the incident.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Crimestoppers on 0800
555 111.