Letters to editor:-
"Lord St. Vodafone Voluntary Consultation (Site) Notice"

DEAR Editor,
"I HAVE just spotted this week a flyer put on a street light on
Lord St, Southport. It reads:-
"Vodafone Voluntary Consultation (Site) Notice
This notice provides a preliminary consultation on Vodafone's development interests on this site as a location for a mobile telecommunications installation.
Vodaphone's interest comprise of:- The rooftop installation of pole mounted antennas concealed within imitation chimney pots and extension to existing plant room, plus internal equipment housing at 239 Lord Street, Southport Merseyside, PR8 1NZ.
This notice advises you of our proposal prior to our submission to the local planning authority. You will be able to find out more information by contacting:- Matthew Hayes, Daly International, Fairbank House, Ashley Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 2DP.
Tel. No. 0161 941 5481 Fax. No. 0161 942 9150 Email. Matthew.hayes@dalyinternational.com Date 3/12/04 Quote ref: Cell Site No 13080(B)
Version 2"
Why is it that the company has placed this over Christmas? Is it a way of hiding the information from the public?"
Thanks James (from Southport)
Response from Editor:- "We noticed that the company has placed an email address on the poster, so we are going to email them and we will let you know what they say when they reply. We can not see the fact that it was put up in December as a problem."
If you spot anything take a shot or tell us about it. Email us on news24@southportreporter.com
City hosts top level boxing celebrations
LIVERPOOL is playing host to top-level boxing delegates this week in the largest sporting conference ever held in the city.
Up to 100 delegates from around the world are in the city for the Amateur International Boxing Association (AIBA) Executive Committee and centenary celebrations. The conference will help to promote Liverpool's bid to stage the European Senior Amateur Boxing Championships in 2008, the main qualification tournament for that year's Olympic Games in Beijing.
President of AIBA, Professor Anwar Chowdry, said:- "Liverpool has a proud record in staging and hosting major international sporting events. We look forward to sampling the high quality hospitality as we celebrate the culmination of our centenary celebrations."
The conference is being held at the city's Holiday Inn and the Town Hall. Liverpool City Council's executive member for leisure, Councillor Warren Bradley, said:-
"This is further evidence that Liverpool is at the forefront of British amateur boxing. It says a great deal about the thriving boxing scene in the city that we are staging prestigious events such as this and shows that we are capable of hosting world class sports events.
We will take the opportunity to promote our bid to stage the European Senior Amateur Championships in 2008, which would be a great coup for our year as European Capital of Culture."
Liverpool City Council's boxing development officer, Paul King, said:- "It's a real honour for the city to be staging this event, particularly during AIBA's centenary celebrations. The conference gives us a platform to show dignitaries from across the globe what Liverpool has to offer world boxing."
Lord Sebastian Coe will also attend the centenary celebrations in Liverpool as he promotes London's bid for the 2012 Olympics.
City promises children chance to Sea Liverpool
CHILDREN in Liverpool this week were promised the chance to experience the city's unique maritime heritage during the next 12 months. The pledge to tens of thousands of local school children was given at the official launch of Sea Liverpool 2005, the theme for this year in the run up to Capital of Culture 2008. The pledge from Liverpool Culture Company coincided with the launch of the
"Liverpool to New York - the only way to cross" exhibition at the Merseyside Maritime Museum.
Pupils from Northcote Primary in Walton got on board immediately, by being the first to experience sea life with a nautical lesson by Museum experts on the 1899 Baltic Trader ship, Glaciere of Liverpool, in the city's historic Albert Dock. During the lesson they were taught the ship's history, given a gripping account of the Battle of Trafalgar and they learnt all about Liverpool's historic maritime tradition.
Visitors to the new blockbuster exhibition at the Maritime Museum will be taken on a transatlantic journey, discovering life above and below deck on board the liners that sailed the Atlantic Ocean during the golden years of travel from the 1920s to 1960s. It is one of more than 1000 nautical events which will be staged in 2005 with the intention of giving the city's school children a taste of life at sea.
The exhibition Additional experiences lined up include a week of nautical activity during school half term at the Liverpool Watersports Centre; a programme of maritime themed walks and tours; participation at the Mersey River Festival; and sea-inspired community theatre and cultural events. The city is also running a website based educational programme for children to coincide with the 2005-6 Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, which leaves Liverpool on September 18 this year for its 11 month voyage around the globe.
Liverpool City Council leader Mike Storey said:- "Every primary school child in Liverpool should be given the opportunity this year to experience something of the sea and its impact on the life of the city. Whether this is gaining a lifesaving qualification or understanding the river's ecosystem, it is vital that children recognise and appreciate the value of Liverpool's great maritime tradition.
We are asking for our local schools, businesses and maritime organisations to come forward with their own nautical themed activities to help us to
fulfill this promise to the younger generations. I look forward to working in partnership with them in the coming months to increase young people's knowledge of the river, a hugely important asset to our city in the 21st century."
Tony Tibbles, Keeper, Merseyside Maritime Museum, said:- "NML is delighted that Sea Liverpool 2005 gives us the opportunity to remind everyone of the city's outstanding maritime heritage. The Maritime Museum has a great programme of exhibitions and events throughout this year as well as our fantastic permanent displays."
Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Clipper 2005 to 2006 organiser and the first man to sail solo non-stop around the globe, added:-
"We are delighted that Liverpool is once again hosting the start of the Clipper Race and especially during the city's important year of Sea Liverpool 2005. By developing the Clipper Education Programme we aim to make the world a smaller place, by encouraging children to communicate and learn through this exciting adventure!
Schools will chart the course of the Clipper 05-06 fleet as it sails from Liverpool's Albert Dock and races round the world, not only gaining a wealth of knowledge about sailing and travel, but also learning about the environment and cultures in other countries."
This year's Capital of Culture theme corresponds with a national series of events, SeaBritain 2005, held to celebrate Britain's maritime heritage, centred on the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar.
Liverpool will also use the year to focus on the city's rich maritime legacy, with the River Mersey and the Pier Head becoming the central hub of Liverpool life.
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