EDITOR:- "Southport and Crime."
"HAVE you ever noticed that every weekend there are crimes of
violence that seem to occur in the same places at the same times or
at the very least very near to the same places and times in
Southport. Also every week we see the police asking for witnesses.
It is well known that it is far safer to go out at the weekend in
Liverpool City Centre than to go out for a night out in
Southport. I ask myself the same thing every week, where
are the police in Southport, at the
weekend especially? In Liverpool
the city centre is well policed and they are very much visible,
probably why people feel safer there than here. We have quite a few
night clubs and late night bars enough you would think to make
policing the area a priority. But I guess not, I guess we will
continue to read about the crimes of violence and continue to see
the Police asking for witnesses after all I guess it is warmer being
sat somewhere else than on the streets and visibly policing the
area." G
full address supplied.
"Sefton Council"
"Once more we see Sefton Council refusing to accept the will of the
people it purports to represent. Last year they sent out a
referendum asking people to vote yes or no to the hand over of
Council owned properties to a private enterprise, the people voted
NO. After the vote a certain councillor in the local press sent out
his condemnation to those who voted NO. Now once again wasting tax
payers money they are about to ask the very same question only this
time the NO campaign have no funds to fight. Sefton hoping that this
time when people are asked they will have forgotten why they voted
NO and now vote yes. The whole thing is disgusting, money that was
originally set aside in the budget to improve council homes is now
being with held I guess in the hope that this issue will force some
to move over to the Yes vote. Not one news paper has bothered to
take up this story which I find rather sad. It makes one wonder
whether the influence of some people in high places have influences
elsewhere like the media.
Not too long ago Sefton was advised against using a particular
developer for the Winter gardens design and build project, other
local authorities warned Sefton about what would happen, yet the all
wise Chief exec went ahead ignoring all advice and costing the
council tax payer millions. He did it again when the original plan
for the promenade which included a water world fell apart and we
ended up having to settle for something we did not want. He is still
employed in the same position and taking his large pay packet home
even though he cost the tax payer millions again. He even refused to
resign when prompted due to his enormous failures.
was once the proud privilege of men and women to stand as a
councillor in their free time costing the tax payer little to
nothing, now these new breed of councillors cost us over a million
pounds just in expenses. These people are nothing more than leeches
in our society. I much preferred it when councillors were people who
had retired and who were experienced in the knowledge of what the
boroughs’ greatest needs were. These people were the true carers of
our borough and who wore their badge with pride, this lot just take
from the public purse, with any excuse they can, God help our future
when they bleed us all dry and no one can afford to pay council
taxes due to the enormous cost burden they are becoming."
full address supplied.
Paula Dickinson Takes To The Stage...

ON Wednesday 23
November local girl Paula Dickenson took to the stage at Mulligans
Bar in Southport. This was her very first paid job as a solo
singer. Over this year she has steadily built up confidence as she
competed in several large competitions, each time getting good
reviews. Two of them were the Fame Search For A Star at Pleasureland
in Southport and the other, again in Southport, the British Resorts'
Search For A Star North West Heats and Final. We wish her every
success for the future.
