WITH Lancashire and Merseyside
braced for a big chill this winter week and temperatures expected to
plunge to –10C, the RSPB has issued an appeal for people to feed the
birds in their gardens.
The reminder comes as the Met Office forecast cold and snowy weather
to arrive by the weekend, with temperatures predicted to fall below
Gardens are becoming increasingly important as providers of food and
shelter to many birds. When temperatures fall below freezing, birds
struggle to find the food they need to survive the winter in healthy
condition, vital for breeding in spring.
Margaret Overend, of the RSPB, said:- “Winter can be a
challenge for many of our best–loved garden birds, such as the
robin, house sparrow and song thrush. People can give a little extra
help to the birds in their gardens by providing food, water and
shelter. You could also turn your garden into a vital haven for
birds in the freezing winter months.”
During hard weather, you may also attract some of the UK’s most
eye-catching winter visiting birds, such as redwings or fieldfares,
by putting out bruised apples or pears, cut in half. These will also
be enjoyed by the more familiar blackbird and song thrush too.
The RSPB is asking people to follow a five-point winter survival
plan that will help wild birds during the harshest weather.
1. Put out food regularly, especially in severe weather. Set up a
bird table and use high calorie seed mixes. This can also be used to
put out kitchen scraps such as animal fats, grated cheese and soaked
dried fruit.
2. Put out hanging feeders filled with black sunflower seeds,
sunflower hearts, sunflower-rich mixes or unsalted peanuts.
3. Supply fresh water every day. If it is very cold use tepid water
but DO NOT use any antifreeze products.
4. Put out fruit, such as apples and pears, for blackbirds, song
thrushes and other members of the thrush family.
5. Food bars or fat hung up or rubbed into the bark of trees is a
great help for treecreepers, goldcrest and many other species.
Merseyside's Binge
Drinking Clampdown

OVER the next few weeks
Merseyside police officers and local partners throughout Merseyside
will be working together to crack down on drunken misbehaviour and
warning licensees about the penalties they could face if they
promote irresponsible drinking.
This campaign coincides with the change in legislation surrounding
extended licencing for some pubs, bars and clubs.
Merseyside Police are appealing to people to drink sensibly and
making clear their zero tolerance approach to alcohol related rowdy
behaviour and violent disorder.
A wide variety of methods will be used to clamp down on those intent
on causing trouble such as:-
a) issuing of fixed penalty notices for alcohol related disorder;
b) test purchasing activity to target underage sales;
c) early intervention using CCTV to diffuse potential disorder;
d) closure of premises using existing and tough new powers in the
Licensing Act 2003;
e) multi-agency enforcement action against problem
Southport Spinal Unit Nets Boost From NEC Wheelchair Tennis Roadshow
THE Regional Spinal Injuries Centre at Southport and Formby General
Hospital becomes the latest regional Spinal Injuries Unit in the
United Kingdom and Ireland to benefit from a joint venture between
The British Tennis Foundation, NEC (UK) Ltd and NEC (Europe) Ltd
this week.
The NEC Wheelchair Tennis Spinal Units Roadshow will see patients at
the 12 regional Spinal Injuries Units in England, Ireland, North
Ireland, Scotland and Wales given the opportunity of trying the
popular paralympic sport of wheelchair tennis.
Each Spinal Unit is receiving an introductory visit from NEC
representative Karen Tipping and an experienced wheelchair tennis
coach and player. NEC have invested a total of £6,000 into the
project with the project receiving Sportsmatch funding for the 8
regional spinal units in England. Each spinal unit will be presented
with a consignment of equipment including tennis nets and balls and
rackets of various sizes to cater for a range of ages and abilities
and to enable patients to play indoors or outdoors.
The NEC Wheelchair Tennis Spinal Units Roadshow has visited
Southport on Wednesday, 23 November. Southport's Athens Paralympic
Tennis medallist and former World No 1 Quad player Mark Eccleston is
among those assisting with the launch at the Spinal Unit, along with
2 of Britain's up-and-coming world-ranked players, Anthony Cotterill
and Carl Hird. All are former patients at the Regional Spinal
Injuries Centre at Southport. Eccleston won Silver in the Quad
Doubles, for players affected in 3 or more limbs, at the 2004
Paralympic Games before retiring earlier this year to pursue and
career in coaching.
The introductory visit has enabled current patients at the spinal
unit to participate in an 'on-court' session with existing coaches
and players, with purpose-built tennis chairs provided by The
British Tennis Foundation on the day for patients to try.
Thereafter, the project includes 5 further follow-up visits by a
coach and a player throughout the following 12 months.
Karen Tipping of NEC (UK) Ltd, who made the presentation of the
equipment at each of the spinal units, said:- "On a global
scale NEC has had a long and happy association with wheelchair
tennis since 1992 as title sponsor of the international NEC
Wheelchair Tennis Tour. Subsequently NEC has also developed a strong
relationship with The British Tennis Foundation over many years,
especially through a series of annual NEC Wheelchair Tennis Camps to
introduce new player to the sport in Britain. Our latest venture is
a wonderful opportunity to reach recently injured patients, be able
to give them an idea of what can be achieved and hopefully find new
players in this rapidly expanding and inclusive sport."
Lynn Parker, Disabilities Tennis Manager at The British Tennis
Foundation, said:- "Wheelchair tennis is a wonderful,
all-inclusive sport that can be played and enjoyed at all levels,
from rehabilitation and recreation, right through to international
competition. There is only one major difference between wheelchair
tennis and the mainstream game and that is that a wheelchair player
is allowed two bounces of the ball. This makes the sport easily
understandable and accessible to all and makes it an ideal sport
that can be played in a rehabilitation environment as a patient can
play with hospital staff or friends and family."
DaDaFest gets underway
A musical based on the Thalidomide controversy will open this year's
deaf and disability arts festival in Liverpool. The show takes
an uncompromising - and humorous - look at the drug, charting its
use from the 1950s to the present day. Written and composed by Mat
Fraser, and staring Kate Winslet's sister, Anna, it arrives in
Liverpool mid-way through a nationwide tour.
It's just one of the events taking place as part of DaDaFest, which
is co-ordinated by North West Disability Arts Forum (NWDAF), and
funded by the Liverpool Culture Company, Arts Council England and
the Granada Foundation. The ground-breaking festival
celebrates in 5th anniversary this year, with a varied programme
that aims to bring deaf and disability art to the forefront of the
region's cultural scene.
Leader of Liverpool City Council, Councillor Mike Storey, said:-
"DaDaFest is the largest festival of its kind in the UK,
highlighting the fact that the North West is leading the way in the
delivery of art and culture. The festival attracts visitors from
right across the UK, and even abroad. Whether you're into poetry,
comedy or live theatre, this year's programme includes something for
Ruth Gould, Creative Director at NWDAF, said:- "We're
delighted to be starting the fifth DaDaFest season. In a relatively
short amount of time, the festival has grown to be one of the
highlights of Liverpool's arts calendar. It is a fantastic
opportunity to show North West audiences the high-quality,
innovative work being produced by deaf and disabled artists."
DaDaFest 5 features a huge range of events and activities, ranging
from a deaf culture celebration which offers discounted admission to
non-sign language users, to a family fun day at Sefton Park Palm
House. NWDAF will also be holding a series of workshops at their
office on Bridport Street, allowing participants to sample
activities including digital photography and creative writing.
The festival runs from November 24 to December 3 2005 at venues
across Merseyside. Full listings follow below.
For more information,
visit the North West Disability Arts Forum's website:-