Heat 3, 'FAME' Search for a Star 2006...

NOW in to the third week of
Heats, 'Fame' 06 is really heating up.... On Thursday 9
February 2006 Abbie Ewart, Helen Dixon, Ellen McKay, James Meves,
Kelly Traynor, Lauron Ormesher, Amyiea Swatlon, Jenny Bradbury,
Rachel Walker, John Dillon, Clare Lacey, Melissa James, Amy Jones
and Kyle Ray took to the say to go through to one of the semi finals
in March...

Well done to all of you who took part.
It takes a lot of courage to stand on the stage and sing solo, so
even if you did not get through to the next round, you are all
winners in our eyes.
The next heats are on 16 February and 23
February so if you want to enter, ring Pleasureland on 01704 532 717
or call into our offices in Post Office Ave.
Remember, even if you are not taking
part pop along and show your support to a very wide range of
talented youngsters. It is free to watch and Casablanca has a good
bar... so make a night of it, pop on down to Pleasureland and take a
look this Thursday night!

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