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Date:- 13 March 2006

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LETTERS TO EDITOR:- "Parking and Merseyside Police in Formby"

"PLEASE publish our letter. Merseyside Police in Formby, Ainsdale and Birkdale, have been consulting residents and businesses regarding what they consider to be issues requiring attention in those areas. The matters raised are being given attention, but it is clear that there is a general worry about the illegal and inconsiderate parking of vehicles.

The problem seems to exist throughout the area, but it is particularly prevalent near to Formby Railway Station, the Squirrel Reserve and in the area of schools. Vehicles are being parked on grass verges and pavements, on yellow lines and in places where they cause an obstruction.

The police are asking drivers to be careful where they park their vehicles. Careless parking is not only a nuisance for residents; it can be dangerous and can lead to accidents. Illegal parking can be anti-social and selfish. It causes safety problems when the view of drivers is obstructed, when parents pushing prams have to move into the road to get round them or when children and other pedestrians have to cross busy roads when their view is obstructed.

The police in the area will be monitoring the situation and are asking that people think carefully about the problems they are causing before leaving their vehicles in illegal and dangerous positions. If necessary, action will be taken to enforce parking and safety regulations.

Yours Sincerely, Inspector Pauline Trubshaw".

For readers who do not know:- Inspector Trubshaw is the Neighbourhood Inspector for Formby, Ainsdale and Birkdale.

Plans for Stockton Heath Primary School are in the spotlight

A MEETING to consider a planning application for Stockton Heath Primary School will take place on Monday 20 March 06 at the Town Hall, Warrington.

The special meeting of the Development Control Committee will take place at 6:30pm in the Council Chamber.

Cllr Terry Whelan, Chairman of the Committee, said:- "The decision to hold a special meeting to discuss this one application reflects awareness of the range and extent of views held locally about the proposed development of the school. A special meeting allows for interested groups and bodies to be afforded appropriate opportunity to make their comments known to Councillors, while not delaying or imposing upon the committee process."

The accommodation and PA system at the Town Hall will allow representations to be heard and for the committee to properly debate the planning issues, which relate to this proposal. This has not always been easy to secure when committees have been held in other larger venues.

Officers are already in contact with local residents groups to ensure that provision can be made to enable representatives from those groups to have the opportunity to properly express their points of view.

It is not possible to accommodate all those who have commented for or against the application, but is considered that this process enables the committee to hear from those putting themselves forward as representatives of various parts of the local community.

Members of the Committee have already decided that they will visit the area before the meeting to ensure understanding of the context of the site.


THE hunt is on to find employers and individuals from the North West challenging workplace ageism Age Positive, a Department for Work and Pensions’ campaign to remove age discrimination in employment, has launched the Age Positive Awards 06. The Awards recognise employers and individuals who are positive about age and challenge ageist attitudes and stereotypes in the North West.

The Awards are a key part of Age Positive Week, a series of awareness-raising events to inform employers and the public about age discrimination and to celebrate the benefits of age diversity. Age Positive Week 06 will take place from 8 May to12 May 06.

Launching the Awards, Stephen Timms, Minister for Pensions Reform, said:- "It’s time to bring ageism to an end. The Government is introducing new laws this October to make age discrimination illegal. Discrimination is not only bad for individuals who suffer the adverse effects, it’s bad for business too. Companies of all sizes have realised that a successful workforce is a mixed-age one that includes older workers, bringing business benefits such as reduced recruitment costs, higher retention rates, greater flexibility, higher productivity, and a broader range of skills and experience.

Through these Awards, Age Positive is calling upon everyone to demonstrate real commitment, to focus on what the individual has to offer and not on their age. Being positive about age means building an effective workforce of different ages. It's about making sure that employees have the skills and the support they need to develop their own potential and improve business performance.”

The Age Positive Awards 06 invite entries in two categories:-

• Employer category:- Employers who can demonstrate that they have a positive attitude towards age diversity in recruitment, training or development.

• Individual category:- Individuals who can demonstrate how they are defying ageist stereotypes or have overcome ageism.

Judged by an independent panel with representatives from England, Scotland and Wales, the winners and finalists will be honoured by the Minister for Pensions Reform at a special awards ceremony in London on 10 May 06. Awards for outstanding achievement will also be presented to the best entries in each category.

65 year old Malcolm Pounder from Barrowford in the North West of England was the first person to be allowed to stay on at the Post Office over the age of 65. This marked a big change in attitude and a growing awareness that it is experience, and not age, that counts in the workplace.

The closing date for entries is 14 April 06. For an entry form to nominate yourself, a colleague or your employer, visit for more information and application forms.

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