Photographs by Patrick Trollope
and report by Colin Trollope

IT was a
lovely spring morning when we set out for Oulton Park Race Circuit
hoping that we were going in the right direction. That was because I
could not find it on my computer map, nor on my road map, so I
decided to head for Tarporley in Cheshire! Luckily it was well
sign-posted on the A49 and we arrived well ahead of time.

Having parked our
car, we proceeded to look at some of the vintage racing cars which
were being unloaded, although some of the vintage Lagondas and a
Bugatti as well as an Invicta (driven by Alan brown from Oldham)
arrived under their own power. Incidently, this is a area where the
vintage Lagonda Club is situated.

We next went in for a
coffee and briefing. We were told about the VSCC, Vintage Sports-Car
Club by the very efficent secretary. The Club HQ is based in the
Midlands and they use various race tracks, in different areas of the
country, for the joint benefit of members and the general public.
Their address is VSCC, The Old Post Office, West Street, Chipping
Norton, Oxon, OX7 5EL.

We then mounted an
old 1920's, open-top, double-decker, ex-London bus to tour the
circuit. If you wnat to have a go in that bus, well you can take a
tour of Chester in it! More next week about that... We watched the
VSCC racing-cars driving round the circuit at racIng speed and
obtained some fine pictures. It was exciting watching the flailing
arms and gear changing taking place so visibly as they passed us.
Upon returning to the paddock, some of us went as passengers in
selected racing-cars for several circuits round the course, most

Among the the cars
taking part in this pre-view day were a 1929 Invicta Sports Tourer,
Several Lagondas of 1930's vintage, a 1930 AC/GN Special, several
1920's Bugatti's (some Types 37A and a 35), a '34 Frazer Nash Single
Seater 'Norris Special', a '53 C Type Jaguar, a '53 Cooper Bristol,
and a vintage Vauxhall, as well as a 1952 J2 Allard. |

I had the privilege
to have a ride, for 4 circuits, around this very tight and demanding
course, in one of the Bugattis; it was a tremendous experience, and
honour, to be driven by such an enthusiastic driver. My boss had a
fastish drive round in the Invicta.

If you have never
been to the Oulton Race circuit, I can honestly say that it is well
worth a visit. It is well managed, situated in an area of real
beauty and the majority of the circuit can be seen from most vantage

Our sincere thanks go
to Gillian Carr for a most exhilarating morning and for such a well
organised meet. One can see all ages of vintage racing cars from
Edwardian through the 1950's at most VSCC meetings.

of the Club at Oulton Park is on the 10 June 2006, gates open at
8.30am, practising from 9.30am to 12.30pm, and the first race is at
1.30pm. There is free access to the paddock and all spectator areas.

Tickets are £15 in
advance or £20 on the day per person with under 13's free and no
charge for parking.

Ticket booking line:
0870 950 9000. website booking and information
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