Skin Cancer: Men Not
Getting the Message
A NEW survey launched this week by The Institute of Cancer
Research's SAFE campaign found that 63% of men do not regularly
check their skin for signs of skin cancer and, more alarmingly, that
45% do not know the signs or symptoms of skin cancer.
The SAFE survey found that men consistently fall behind women when
it comes to protecting themselves from the harmful effects of UV
rays and checking their skin for any changes which could be
associated with skin cancer. Whilst women were consistently
better at protecting and checking themselves, the results were still
worrying - 45% of women do not regularly check their skin for
abnormal changes and 31% do not know the signs of skin cancer.
Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UK, with
more than 70,000 new cases each year, yet the majority of cases
could be prevented. Over the last few decades the incidence of skin
cancer has increased dramatically. Currently malignant melanoma -
the most deadly form of skin cancer - is the fastest growing cancer
in the UK, with more than 8,000 new cases diagnosed each year.
The number of men dying from malignant melanoma continues to rise,
whilst the number of women dying from the disease is starting to
fall. The survey indicates that this is due to women taking a more
pro-active approach when it comes to protecting their skin, through
covering up in the midday sun, wearing sunscreen, avoiding long
periods of exposure and checking their skin for changes. However,
more than 800 women and 900 men in the UK are still dying each year
from the disease.
Dr Richard Marais from The Institute of Cancer Research said:-
"These findings are shocking, skin cancer is one of the most
preventable cancers yet it seems that many men and women are still
not getting the message about the importance of protecting and
checking themselves. It is imperative that everyone protects their
skin when they are in the sun, whether they are in the UK or abroad,
and regularly checks their skin and moles for abnormal changes.
If the most deadly form of skin cancer, malignant melanoma, is
caught in its early stages the majority of cases can be cured.
However if it is not found until later, when it has spread, it is
much more difficult to treat and the survival rate after 5 years is
less than 5%."
Professor Peter Rigby, Chief Executive of The Institute of Cancer
Research commented:- "Scientists at The Institute are at the
cutting edge of malignant melanoma research and are currently
working on an intensive programme of targeted drug development.
However, since many cases of the disease can be prevented, we hope
that through our SAFE campaign we can further raise awareness of the
importance of being sun and skin aware."
The SAFE Campaign is working in partnership with high street
retailer Superdrug and with the support of supermodel Cindy
Crawford. In the summer months Superdrug will produce a selection of
in-store literature with advice and tips on staying safe in the sun.
Superdrug will also raise much-needed funds for research into skin
cancer at The Institute of Cancer Research through a variety of
activities including a product promotion on their SPF15+ Solait
sunscreen range.
MERSEYSIDE Police are appealing for witnesses to an attempted
robbery at a HGV parking area on Hawthorne Road, Bootle, to come
The robbery occurred at 12:05am on Monday 3 April. A security guard
was confronted by 5 men with faces covered with scarves, who then
took sets of keys from his office. The men searched through a number
of trailers before leaving empty-handed.
Officers are appealing for any witnesses to the incident, or anyone
who has information which may help them with their inquiries, to
contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
MARKET ACCORDING to the results of an RNID survey issued this week
to mark the start of Deaf Awareness Week, only 63% of deaf and hard
of hearing people of working age are in employment, compared to 75%
of the national work force. Thousands of deaf and hard of hearing
people are still facing serious barriers to employment and RNID is
urging employers to help combat discrimination and create more
accessible workplaces.
RNID, the national charity representing the UK’s 9 million deaf and
hard of hearing people, claims that issues ranging from attitudes of
potential employers to a basic lack of deaf awareness represent
serious barriers for deaf and hard of hearing people seeking work.
53% of those surveyed cited “attitude of employers” as one of
the main barriers preventing them from finding employment. These
barriers also severely restrict career prospects for those already
in employment, creating artificial and unnecessary “glass
ceilings”. 51% of those within work felt they had been
held back from promotion or developing their careers as a result of
their deafness and 34% felt their job didn’t make full use of their
Cheryl Cullen, Director of ETSS at RNID, says:- “Deaf and hard
of hearing people represent a talented and skilled, but largely
untapped, labour resource. Every deaf and hard of hearing person is
capable of working with the right support. At a time of real skills
shortages in key sectors of the economy, the country cannot afford
to neglect the vast pool of talent represented by deaf and hard of
hearing people.”
55% of respondents in work reported feeling isolated at work due to
their deafness and 24% found it difficult to communicate with their
work colleagues. The vast majority (75%) felt that the situation
would be improved if their employer provided deaf awareness training
to their staff, yet 43% of their employers did not provide any
RNID's Employment Training and Skills Service (ETSS) supports deaf
and hard of hearing job seekers and employees with all aspects of
employment, from the application process and interviews, as well as
support throughout their employment. ETSS also works closely with
employers to ensure deaf and hard of hearing people receive equal
opportunities in the workplace, and that businesses are aware of
their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).
Cheryl Cullen comments:- “RNID can provide Deaf Awareness
Training to any business no matter what its size, to make sure
employers are aware of the barriers deaf and hard of hearing people
can face in employment, and how to overcome them.”
Employers can make a profound difference by making simple changes
and have a legal duty under the Disability Discrimination Act to
make reasonable adjustments to the workplace and provide support.
RNID is urging employers to make the simple but necessary
adjustments in the way candidates are assessed and employees are
treated to ensure an inclusive and effective working environment for
all. Examples of how colleagues can communicate with deaf and hard
of hearing people in the workplace, and practical advice on what
employers can do to make reasonable adjustments for their hard of
hearing employees include:
· Make sure the deaf or hard of hearing person is seated where they
can see everyone, rather than facing a wall, as this could lead them
to feel isolated from the office environment.
· When approaching a deaf or hard of hearing person from behind, try
to attract their attention by either tapping on their shoulders or
waving next to them.
· Include deaf and hard of hearing people in meetings by providing
the right communication support for the individual, whether it be a
sign language interpreter, speech to text operator, note taker or a
lip speaker. Deaf and hard of hearing people can get funding from
Access To Work for reasonable adjustments in the workplace, which
can pay for communication support and equipment.
· Be aware of deaf and hard of hearing people in the workplace, for
example if you have to suddenly evacuate the building in the event
of a fire, make sure they are made aware of the alarm. Employers
should also install effective fire alarms - this can be alarms with
flashing lights or a vibrating pager. Employers should provide
necessary equipment for deaf and hard of hearing employees as part
of Health & Safety measures.
· Install a loop system in meeting rooms to help hearing aid users –
these are cheap and effective.
· Make textphones available for deaf and hard of hearing staff,
these allow them to communicate with hearing people by telephone. |