could be hit with swingeing penalties from late credit card payments
as a result of the post strike unless they take the initiative
themselves, warns personal finance comparison site
“Those borrowers who put cheques in the post to their lenders
over the last ten days or so stand to incur a late charge as their
remittances languish in the Post Office’s overflowing depots,”
says chief executive Richard Brown.
In the league table of lenders’ unpopular punitive measures, credit
card late payment charges make borrowers’ blood boil. Despite the
Financial Services Authority’s move last year to coerce lenders to
reduce fines from around £25 to £12, borrowers still bristle at
being charged a disproportionate amount for missing their due date,
even by a day.
“With little or no deliveries this week and a huge backlog of
post to be dealt with, millions of people could be affected unless
they pick up the phone to their lender and stamp out the possibility
of being treated as a bad payer,” says Brown.
Don’t rely on a 3rd party – the quickest solution to the problem is
to make payments online or walk into a bank, he advises.
“Many borrowers who never make late payments are likely to find
themselves tripped up by the breakdown of the postal service and
will end up paying for something that is not their fault. Card
companies should be taking steps to identify those borrowers who
regularly stick to the rules and ensure they are not punished for
something that’s out of their control. If they don’t, they will be
making a huge windfall from others’ misfortune.”
And it’s not just credit card companies that could be benefiting
from the post strike. Some utilities companies such as BT also slap
on a late payment charge for customers who don’t meet their
deadline. All consumers should double check their bills and
statements when they eventually do land on the doormat as the due
date could be much sooner than they think.
“Many firms are willing to bargain with disgruntled customers
and may agree to reduce the fine when asked, but the onus is on the
borrower to make the call and ask the question,” adds Brown.
“A permanent way of avoiding late charges is to set up a
monthly direct debit. Losing a bill, going on holiday or simply
forgetting – all can result in a nasty fine so the failsafe way to
avoid paying money for nothing in the future is to set up a regular
arrangement. And what’s more many companies will even offer a
discount to those customers who are willing to pay in this way,”
he concludes.

Merseyside leads the way in sustainable tourism as New Zealand
imports the best of British.
A system
pioneered by businesses in Merseyside has been adopted on the other
side of the world as part of a scheme to encourage and promote
sustainable tourism in New Zealand. Tourism chiefs at Qualmark,
New Zealand's marquee of quality have been so impressed by the work
being carried out by the UK-based Green Tourism Business Scheme that
they've decided to take on board their practices.
Standards adopted by at least 23 leading Merseyside businesses as
part of GTBS, the UK's leading accreditation body for sustainable
tourism, have been at the forefront of the new scheme being
introduced down under. Devonshire House Hotel in Liverpool,
Suits Hotel Knowsley in Prescot, Thornton Hall Hotel in Wirral,
along with the Acorn Venture Farm in Kirkby, are among those which
have helped pioneer the expansion of the Green Business Tourism
Scheme across Merseyside and now the standards they have set are
being copied across the world.
Members of the GTBS have to achieve a minimum standard from more
than 120 separate measures to qualify for a range of Bronze, Silver
and Gold awards. The scheme's assessment criteria focus on a wide
range of areas from ensuring best management practice and energy
saving right through to buying local produce and caring for wildlife
and the landscape. The standards set by GTBS, Britain's
leading sustainable business accreditation scheme, provides the sort
of verifiable criteria that bosses at New Zealand's Qualmark scheme
are looking to inject into their assessment systems by the start of
next year.
"We have made significant progress in the past fortnight as
we've had the benefit of working with two specialists in
environmental tourism - Andrea Nicholas and Jon Proctor of the Green
Tourism Business Scheme, a national sustainable tourism
accreditation scheme operating in the UK," said Geoff
Penrose, Qualmark's Chief Executive.
Along with a number of New Zealand-based organisations, the GTBS is
assisting Qualmark in ensuring that the criteria being developed for
New Zealand tourism businesses is best-practice and reflects
standards already tested and adopted in a key market for the Kiwis.
The new standards will form part of their existing quality assurance
assessment measures.
"Working with the Green Tourism Business Scheme has gained us
further insight into what 'responsible tourism' really is. We've
also focused on learning how tourism operators can benefit from
introducing business practices that have both environmental and
economic benefits. The experience that Andrea and Jon bring to New
Zealand's tourism industry is particularly relevant, especially in
terms of how environmental management relates to the tourism
sector," says Mr Penrose.
The Green Tourism Business Scheme's 'Green Tourism' programme
has been operating in the UK for 10 years.
"Over that time, we've witnessed a huge increase in the demand
for sustainable tourism worldwide, particularly a system that
manages its impacts on the environment in key areas such as waste
reduction and energy use.
That demand is likely to grow and we in Britain are at the
forefront of providing the skills and knowledge to meet that
demand." said Andrea Nicholas of GTBS. |