Letters To Editor:- "Arrive Buss Driver at Remembrance Service!"

"DEAR editor, I noticed that you
or one of your reporters spotted the bus that was trying to drive
through the remembrance day parade.
What I want to
know is why and how did this happen?
Is not the fact
that Southport holds a remembrance service at the same time each
year, just like the rest of the UK?
This could have
resulted in a very nasty accident. Not only that it
shows a lack of thought on the part of the bus company and its
Can you please
find out why this happened?",
Philip Smith from Southport.

EDITORS NOTE:- "Yes we spotted
that a bus did go past the road closed markings and then followed
the parade down London Street. I also spotted that a
police officer had to demand that he reversed back the way he came
after he try to get through the crowds and the parade.
We will be contacting the bus company for a reply to your question."
year old in court on Murder Charge
MERSEYSIDE police are still
investigating the death of a male in the Birkenhead area of Wirral
on 5 November 2007, but they can confirmed that a 13 year old boy,
from Birkenhead, has appeared in court with a social worker and a
representative from the Wirral Youth Offending Team charged with the
murder. The boy has also been charged with robbing the victim,
Mr Croft, of tobacco, cigarette papers and a lighter. The
teenager who has not been named for legal reasons did not enter a
plea on 9 November 2007 and is due reappears at Wirral Magistrates
Court on 7 December 2007. After the court appetence was
remanded into secure local authority accommodation.
According to
Merseyside Police the emergency service were called at approximately
1am after the body of Mr Stephen Croft, aged 34 from Birkenhead, was
discovered in an area of grassland at the junction of Borough Road
and Whetstone Lane in Birkenhead. At the time Merseyside
Police said that:- "The scene was in an area of Whetstone Lane
where there appears to have been a bonfire and small fireworks event
earlier in the evening. It appears that he may have suffered
head injuries and burn injuries, though the cause of death and
police where appealing to anyone with any information in relation to
the incident to come forward."
The appeal for
information is till on going and anyone who was at the event on the
5 November 2007 and anyone who was in the area between midnight and
1am this morning (Tuesday, 6 November 2007) and who may have
information in relation to the incident to contact Birkenhead CID on
0151 709 6010 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Police can also
confirm that a 19 year old man and a 17 year old boy, who were also
arrested on suspicion of murdering Mr Croft, have been released on
police bail pending further inquiries. Again at this point the names
have been with held for legal reasons.
The family of 34 year
old Stephen Croft, whose body was discovered in the early hours of
Tuesday, 6 November 2007, spoke about their grief following his
death on the 8 November 2007:- "We are devastated by the
tragic loss of our son and brother.
Stephen was
part of a loving family and will be sadly missed by all of us and
his friends. Stephen was a caring person who was liked by everyone
who met him. We are urging anybody who could assist the police to
come forward."
Stephen leaves behind
his Mum, Patricia (53 years), Dad, Stephen (54 years) and sister,
Sarah (31 years). |