Latin Lounge Music

THE Latin Lounge on Post Office
Ave, Southport held yet another fantastic night of musical
entertainment, thanks to the stunning voice of Mary Gaze, who
entertained a nearly full bar through out the night on Friday, 9 November 2007.


Rising star to
brighten lights

you had been at this years Search For A Star then you would have
seen a wonderful young artist called Sara. She is now set to
brighten the Southport lights switch on Sunday 18 November 2007.
Having performed in professional and amateur shows from a very early
age, and performed the lead role of Blousey Brown in Bugsy Malone in
two separate productions, Sara caught the eye of the professional
music industry about three years ago and was taken on with a view to
a big future. Sara has also appeared at the Latin Lounge, in
Southport's new Post Office Quarter and has a good local following.
Her smooth jazz style and wonderful voice is a definite pleasure,
and it is no wonder that she is being lined up for major release and
is currently on the way to making her first album. Whilst in the
process of honing her live performance towards much bigger things,
she recently performed at the “Baby Beat Ball”, which
was attended by the charity’s patron Sir Tom Finney who described
her as “One of the up and coming talents of the future”.