Ladies of L'amour... Burlesque Night

THE Latin Lounge, on Post Office
Avenue, Southport, played host again to a fantastic Burlesque Night,
with stunning performances by Millie Dollar, Anne Fur Laxis, Miss
Suzie Sequin, Count Edwardo De Vil, Diamonds and Pearls... All of
the audience and the organisers Fantasy Weddings, on Bold Street,
Southport agree that it takes a huge amount of guts and confidence
to do what they did that night. The girls, who took part, are not
only glamorous, but also highly skilled. The night also contained a
fashion show with sexy underwear, thanks to the Lingerie Gallery, on
Lord Street, Southport.

Jenny from Fantasy Weddings said that:-
"The night had a huge mix of age groups watching the show.
Most of them where ladies, but a few chaps did come and even they
had a fantastic night. All the acts did us proud."

Marie Walker from the Lingerie Gallery
added:- "It was fantastic to see a large group of girls who
had been to the shop to get their Corsets and other items having
such a good night. I would like to thank the models for putting on a
fantastic show for me and also a very big thank you to Tara, who
helped me behind the senses on the night."

So if you missed this one, book your
ticket now for the next one, 21 June 2008! Lads, remember though,
this is aimed at the Ladies, but it is still a fantastic night out
for you, but for the ladies, this is a chance to dress up and let
your hair down! These are a selected few shots taken on the night.
Due to the nature of the event we do not recommend that the second
page of pictures should be viewed by young eyes..


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