Southport Lib Dems clash with UKIP
European election campaign has burst into life with Liberal Democrat
MEP Chris Davies attacking the UK Independence Party for
"betraying Britain's real interests."
Davies said he was fed up with UKIP candidates "pretending to
be patriots." He accused the party of making up claims about
the size of Britain's financial contribution to the EU budget, and
said that it misled voters about its record in expenses
The MEP, currently travelling around the North West with a petition
aimed at cleaning up MEPs expenses said:- "We don't know where
UKIP's money goes to, and it is harder to find details of the
expenses claimed by UKIP MEPs than about those of members of any
other party. Is it because there are things they want to hide?
One quarter of the people they elected in 2004 are no longer with
them. Ashley Mote MEP served four months in prison for benefit
fraud. Tom Wise MEP is currently awaiting trial in connection
with expenses misuse. Robert Kilroy Silk has not made a speech
in parliament since 2005."
Davies said that even more important was UKIP's approach to the
future of Britain. He claimed that the price for being able to
stay in the EU's huge single market if UKIP had their way would be
to accept that product standards would be dictated by others.
He said:- "Power and influence comes from being at the table
where the decisions are made. Withdrawal from the European
Union would weaken Britain."
Davies claimed that UKIP was exaggerating the cost of Britain's EU
membership by a factor of four. "Our net contribution is
£3.8 billion, which is half what British bankers have just claimed
in bonuses in the middle of an economic recession.
It is a small
fraction of the amount paid for defence just 20 years ago when many
of our present EU partners were still controlled by communist
Both the Liberal Democrats and UKIP have seen their support rise in
recent opinion polls at the expense of the major parties.
Davies described it as ironic that a vote for UKIP would support
giving more power to the House of Commons at a time when Westminster
politicians had never been held in lower esteem. |
Merseyside Police Authority Open Meeting (Formby)
ON Monday, 18
May 2009 there was a meeting of the Merseyside Police Authority in
Formby High School's Sixth Form Centre. There were around 30
people present from the policing neighbourhoods of Formby, Ainsdale
and Birkdale including a Formby Councillor. We were told all
about who and what the Police Authority was about and that it is an
independent body consisting of 9 councillors, 3 magistrates, and 5
independent members of the Merseyside community. Thus they can
take an unbiased examination of the Merseyside Police Service in
addition to performing a range of other tasks on behalf of the local
communities. In that way they are able to have the public at
the very centre of everything that the authority does.
Two senior Police
Officers introduced themselves and started to listen to the comments
of the people present. Sadly, it was rather difficult to hear
all that was being said, for the two officers and some members of
the audience spoke quietly, against a background of noise from two
drinks' machines.
The problems
discussed were various and calmly onDrugs:-
Some said that they
took car numbers of cars from whom items were being bought from when
they sped off. The Police said that by doing that, it appeared
to stop the trafficking in those roads. The members present
said that they were pleased with the action and responses of the
Youth and other young
people:- Various places were highlighted as being areas of problem
from anti-social behaviour. One elderly gentleman stated that
it was a pity that the youths had nowhere where they could let off
steam and do their thing; several other elderly persons agreed.
The Police said that more activities, like those playing football
outside this building, would be a help.
and shooting:- This topic was very fully covered, after several
members of the public present had raised the point that many people
living by the Shorrocks Hill Country Club Estate, in Formby and
others living in the vicinity of the club and the owners two homes
were frightened. The Police stated that they now had 24-hour
coverage and patrols around those areas and that there was a team
investigating the occurrences. The meeting, which opened at
7.30pm, closed at 9pm. |