Chinese New Year Is On Its Way!

THE Chinese
New Year will be welcomed in on 3 February 2011 and it will be the
year of the Rabbit. If you want to see the celebrations taking place
throughout Merseyside, do not miss Liverpool's! Liverpool has the
oldest Chinese community in the UK and will again be celebrating in
style. Celebrations will take place in the Liverpool Chinatown area
including Nelson Street, Berry Street, Great George Street and Great
George Square on 6 February 2011. The festivities will include
traditional performances at the Pagoda on Henry Street and Wah Sing
Chinese Community Centre on Duke Street; and the Lion, Dragon and
Unicorn Parade along Berry Street and Nelson Street, in the heart of
the City! Also, in Southport, celebrations will be taking place at
both the New China City and on Nevill Street at the Oriental Garden
Restaurant. The events at the Oriental Garden Restaurant will take
place on 5 February 2011 and 12 February 2011. So be warned as the
road will be closed off for a short time that night for the amazing
Kung Fu displays and Lion Dancing. If you are having a child in
this, the year of the Rabbit, or you have been born in a year of the
Rabbit, did you know that people born in this cycle, according to
the Chinese, are usually kind, sweet, popular people, famous for
their artistic sense, good taste and stylish wardrobe? If you do not
know what it is all about, then the Chinese New Year has its roots
in the lunar calendar. The Chinese New Year (CNY) begins on the
first day of the first Chinese month, on the lunar calendar, and
ends on the thirteenth day of the same month. Each year takes its
name from a character from the Chinese Zodiac, or Sheng Xiao. The
Sheng Xiao is a 12 year cycle where a different animal represents
each of years. The system starts with the year of the Rat and ends
with the year of the Pig. The Rabbit is the fourth animal of the
cycle. Significantly, the last year was considered by the Chinese
Zodiac as a bad year for Finance and this year is also generally
considered as an unfavourable year. That is thanks to it being a
Wood Rabbit in a Metal Year! But each of the signs have different
opportunities and threats to look out for in 2011. It will be
another roller-coaster year for many signs after the troubles and
uncertainties of the last year, which was the year of the Tiger. So
let’s see what happens, it should prove interesting! |
NoN's 14th
ON Saturday,
29 January 2011! The night will have the amazing DJ Bianca Gascoigne
Alongside residents Andrew Phillips & Sean Sines! Bianca is well
known after her appearance in a bikini as a contestant on ITV's Love
Island back in 2006. Since then she has had a fantastic career as a
glamour model, TV personality, presenter, DJ and professional party
girl, so this party will be off to a flying start on that allow! But
as many of the readers know, Bar Non is an amazing night out anyway,
so do not miss this amazing event... Yes we are covering it in full,
as well!!!! You have been warned; miss it at your peril!
Homeward bound
patients get set in comfort...

to go home from Southport and Formby District Hospital are now
finding their departure that little more relaxing. The
hospital has opened a discharge lounge for those patients who no
longer need a bed but whose medication is still being prepared or
who are awaiting a lift home. The lounge, which is
located between the Medical Day Unit and at the Accident and
Emergency Department, has comfortable armchairs, refreshments, and a
radio for entertainment. Meals can also be delivered. Christine
Hughes, from Ormskirk, is regular a patient at Southport and
appreciates the difference the lounge has made.
“Previously, you were either sat in reception or going in and out
looking for your lift. But here you can sit down with your bags and
relax. It’s a great improvement.” said Christine Hughes.
Janet Lloyd, the matron responsible for the lounge, said Christine’s
comments were typical of those she had received.
“The lounge is a winner all round. Patients like it because they
have somewhere comfortable, away from the ward, to wait while
they’re waiting to go home. The Trust benefits too because we can
get on preparing a bed for the next patient who needs it.”
added Janet Lloyd.
The discharge lounge is open Monday to Friday between 8.30am and
4.30pm. |