Mini Heat
Wave Is Over

THE weather is in stark
contrast to March's mini-heat wave; the UK has returned to its
normal wintery weather. The freak weather we all enjoyed was not
truly the start of the spring in metrological terms; even though
it was the Vernal Equinox, or Start of Spring, as calculated via
the shape of the Earth's orbit. It is in fact late April when
Spring really sets in the UK. Interestingly it is statistically
more likely to snow at Easter than Christmas, due to water
temperatures in the sea being colder. It takes longer for water
to heat up, and that means we are more likely to have colder
weather at the start of the year than at the end of it! But
don't rush out to the bookies to place a bet and you don't need
to start singing:- "I'm dreaming of a white Easter"
just yet as, for many of us, the temperatures will climb
according to forecasters, before Easter Day.
All this leaves many asking,
will we be in for a water shortage later in the year, if the
mini heat wave was sign of things to come!
Email you views to us and let
us know what you think will happen. Will you are readers be
better at long term prediction than the Met Office?
The Preston
FREE Tickets for The
Preston Passion, a major live event on Good Friday, 6 April
2012, presented by Fern Britton have been released. A unique
collaboration between the BBC and Preston Guild, The Preston
Passion is a contemporary and dramatic re-telling of the Passion
story, featuring an exciting combination of live performance and
spectacle, coupled with innovative pre-recorded drama, which
will be broadcast live on BBC One.
There will be 2 kinds of tickets available for anyone wishing to
attend, but tickets are going fast and are limited!
An ACTIVE ticket is for
members of the audience who would like the opportunity to join
in the televised dance moves for the final song, ‘You Got the
Love’ sung live by Heather Small. The basic dance moves video
tutorial for this will be available to view online via:- .
A SPECTATOR ticket is also
available, which will mean members of the public will part of
the televised audience for the whole event. 1000 spectator
tickets have been released.
Tickets are free of charge and can be ordered
online. Telephone bookings
can be made via:- 0845 344 2012 or from Preston Guild Hall Box
Office on Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 1HT.
Gates to the event held on the west side of Preston Bus Station
open from 10.30am on Friday, 6 April 2012, and the latest
admittance will be at 11:30am. These are standing tickets only
but there is full disabled access. The live event is expected to
finish at 1pm.
If you are one of the many
people from Merseyside taking part in this event, please let us
know what you though of it via emailing our newsroom via:-
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use the email address below to send
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