Annual Village Nativity Play - 2012

THE Churches Together
in Formby (CITFAH)
group held its annual Village Nativity Play on Saturday, 15
December 2012. Despite the cold, damp and very dull weather, the
spirit of Christmas was clearly demonstrated by the hundreds of
people who took part in what was a truly community building
event. The 75 strong cast, who lead the audience through the
biblical story of the birth of Jesus Christ did remarkably well.
Dressed in costumes, some of them must have been very cold, but
it did not show as they paraded up and down Chapel Lane and then
performed on a make shift stage at the West End of the road.
Also taking part were primary school children from Woodlands,
Our Lady's and St Jerome's, dressed as angels and Roman
soldiers; they entertained the villagers at the start of the
event and also took part at the end. One of the big hits of the
event was the use of real animals, with the return of Baby Doll
and friends. Baby Doll, if you did not know is the donkey. At
the end, the cast even had a real new born baby, Orla, launching
her acting career at an early age of just a few weeks old. Paul
Manyara said:- "I would like to thank all who supported
this event and it was fantastic to see so many people attending
and enjoying the event. It is so easy to get trapped in trivia
around this time of year and we hope that this play has helped
show the true message of Christmas. We would like to thank
people some of the hidden people who have made this event so
magical. Andy Johnson, for example, has worked behind the scenes
for many months on this project. He and a small team of back
stage helpers have helped throughout the play's development and
to add to that they had to get here before 7am to put up this
stage and get the equipment out. That was done in heavy rain as
well! Without their efforts and the cast this would not have
been a success. Well done to all of you!!!" If you
attended, why not email us your memories and views of this event
to our newsroom via:-
Click on
to see our full photograpic coverage of this event.
THE Southport & Mersey
Reporter Santa Cam is nearly activated, and the countdown is on.
The Camera and new page will be live for Christmas Eve. It will
be child friendly, with child friendly links! So if your
children are driving you mad as you get Christmas underway, get
them to take a look and see if they spot Santa! You can see it
by going on to our Santa Cam Page from 2011 at this point in
time via this
link and the new page
will be active very soon! - BE WARNED, the music might drive you
mad, but it is very good fun, so we are please to say that we
have for yet another year on our annual cam, music with big
thanks to Southport band Psychic
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Firth, Happy
Birthday from
Julie and the
you have someone you want to say happy birthday to, for
use the email address below to send
us the names
you want us say
happy birthday to, and/or a photograph.
us today! |