The John
Lennon Bus Europe Launch with Yoko Ono

ON 8 May 2013 at the
The Museum of Liverpool, on the Liverpool (UK) Waterfront, the
official launch took place of the brand new John Lennon
Educational Tour Bus. The event was attended by press from as
far away as LA in the USA. The ribbon cut was cut by Yoko Ono
accompanied by Museum Director, Dr David Fleming and Lennon Bus
co-founder and Executive Director, Brian Rothschild. The bus is
a brilliant idea and, if it does what it purports to do, should
be of huge benefit to many of the organizations and events it
will visit. Sadly, we would love to say that it was a fantastic
launch and the bus was amazing, but in true honesty, we cannot.
Publicity-wise, the event turned out to be quite disorganised,
which is a huge shame as we know a lot of effort had been put
into it by the sponsors. We may well be the only media who will
go on record to say that, but we will stick to our view.
The launch of this European
bus follows a similar project that was launched in the USA 16
years ago. The bus is staffed by a crew of 3 and allows schools,
and colleges to uses its studios.
It will also visit festivals providing free workshops for young
people. After a few days stopping over in Liverpool the now
unveiled the bus will set off for other UK cities including a
visit to London, and then on to the rest of Europe. It is hoped
that many young people will be able to take part in the free
workshops and produce music, video and photography projects
inside the bus's recording studio, as the tour rolls on. Yoko
Ono said that:- "It was fitting to launch the John Lennon
Educational Tour Bus in his hometown." She also added
that she hopes that it will "inspire music and keep young
people from turning to violence, as John was about peace."
We wish the crew of the bus and also all involved the best
of luck with it and hope to see it back in Liverpool once again
at some point, after its tour ends.
If you want to see our photograpic and video coverage of this
event, please click on
For more information about the bus, go to:- If you so
spot it on it's tour, take a photograph of it and send it to us at:-
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