Another Merseyrail Strike
set to take place in October
RMT said that the TUC's members have
voted unanimous, passing a motion promising to maximise support for Merseyrail
and workers on Southern, Northern, Greater Anglia and South Western Railway in
the disputes on Merseyrail and other franchises over driver only operated
trains. RMT strike action will take place, on 3 October and 5 October 2017.
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:- "RMT welcomes the unanimous support
of the entire Trade Union movement for our campaigns to keep the guards on our
trains which now stretch right across the country. The Government and their
private rail contractors need to understand that we have national support from
millions of workers for the fight to put rail safety before private profit. This
unanimous vote is a massage shot in the arm for RMT's national campaign to
defend the guards on our trains."
Frank Rogers Merseytravel Chief Executive said:- "It is very disappointing
that the RMT has decided to strike while the transformational upgrade of Lime
Street mainline station, designed to help make the Liverpool City Region a
better place to live, work and attract investment and jobs, is taking place. he
RMT has made a point of targeting key events in the City Region calendar and
seems to want to continue to disrupt the travelling public by calling the
strikes during the Lime Street works. It is clear that their London based
Executive are prepared to sacrifice growth and development in Liverpool to
support their position in the South on what is a very different networks to
ours. We have been working with key City Region stakeholders to present a strong
message that our City Region will be open for business during the Lime Street
works. As with previous strikes Merseytravel, together with transport operators,
are working on robust contingency plans and these will be published as soon as
possible so that passengers can plan their journeys. Merseyrail has confirmed
its open door policy with the unions. I would urge the RMT to take up this offer
and get back round the table so that we can bring this needless dispute and
disruption to our passengers to an end."
No more smoke and mirrors,
just the truth...
AN open later demanding answers from
Government on the funding of policing and the derisory pay award for Police
Officers has been published by those representing rank and file Officers from
across the country.
Peter Singleton, chair of Merseyside Police Federation, said:- "We don't
want meaningless and empty statements about the good job we do. We want a
properly funded and well-resourced Police service. The public of Merseyside
rightly want this, and they are right to expect this, which is why we have
called for answers. Our members are angry and forces have been put in an
impossible situation. We feel the government has not been truthful or honest
about the pay award given to Officers, which is insulting. The announced 2%
awarded isn't new money, it has to come from existing Policing budgets, which
means forces may have to choose between Officer numbers and public safety. On
Merseyside that means the pay rise could cost the force the equivalent of 25
Officers. That cannot be right."
The letter outlines failures of the Government and demands answers on a range of
issues, asking for the truth about crime figures, Police numbers and claims of
'extra' Officers. Sgt Singleton added:- "Crime is not
falling. It's rising and in some areas like cybercrime it has exploded!
Less and less Officers are having to do more and more, and ministers statements
of extra Police Officers being on patrol are false, they are not 'extra' Police
Officers. They are the same Officers doing longer hours, being called back in
when they are off or being given extra responsibilities. It is all smoke and
mirrors and double standards. The public here on Merseyside have been fantastic
at giving us support, but they deserve better. Officers are reaching breaking
point; we are now seeing Officers unable to cope with the mental and physical
demands placed upon them by having to work in depleted environments. This cannot
be right or fair on anyone, Officers or the public."
The Police Federation of England and Wales, represents 123,000 Police Officers
up to and including:- the rank of Chief Inspector. Established by statute, they
are responsible not only for the welfare of our members, but also ensuring that
their views on all aspects of Policing, including:- relevant legislation, are
relayed to Government, opinion formers and key stakeholders.
Attack of the nappies starts
again in Southport

SOUTHPORT is again being affected by an
attack of the nappies... Over the last few weeks we have had lots of reports
about fly tipping, mostly around dirty nappies being dropped in and around
Southport's Town Centre.
We don't like to normally report on these types of
issues, but we have decided to highlight it this time as the situation is
getting worse.The latest issue was reported to have happened on Stanley Street,
where a solid old mattress and quite a few dirty nappies had been dumped. We
popped over and found the offending items where children and people walk. We
then informed Sefton Council who have dealt with this latest issue. If you spot
anyone fly tipping please report it to the your local Council. The the illegal
dumping of waste or rubbish, even littering can result in a very large fine and
in some cases is classed as a serious criminal offence. The items dropped like
this pose a health hazard and also make the area unpleasant for both tourists
and locals.
Within England you can report it by calling:- 0345 1400845 and those
caught will be find ₤400 with the possibility of more action being taken! Within
Sefton the current fixed penalty for littering and dog fouling within Sefton is
₤75.00, to be paid within 14 days, but reduced to ₤50.00 if paid within 10 days.
The maximum fine is ₤2500. The current fixed penalty for fly tipping is ₤400, to
be paid within 14 days, reduced to ₤240 if paid within 10 days. The maximum fine
is ₤50,000 or 12 months imprisonment if convicted in a Magistrates Court. The
offence can also attract an unlimited fine and up to 5 years imprisonment if
convicted in a Crown Court.
More information about litter and fly tipping issues
within Sefton can be found on Sefton Council's
website. For those in the Liverpool City
Council area, you can report fly-tipping
online. Wirral Council also an
online advice and reporting page.

What to do if you
see someone fly tipping:-
► Take vehicle registration details, but only if it doesn't put you in harms
► Note the time and location.
► Take a description of what waste you have seen being dumped, if you can take
► Take a description of the people dumping the waste.
► Don't approach anyone who you see fly tipping.
► Contact the Environment Agency directly on:- 03708 506 506.