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Southport Reporter®

Edition No. 103

Date:- 14 June 2003

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Southport and Formby Community Health Council

MINUTES of Southport and Formby Community Health Council held on 15th April 2003 at 53 Houghton Street, Southport

Present:-            Cllr P Starkey            Chair

                        David Berry               Vice Chair

                        Mrs R Goodman            Mrs K Taphouse

                        Mrs A Hindley            Miss V Webster

                        Mr G Leek               Mrs L Westgate

                        Mr L Simans

Apologies:-            Mrs L Coulter            Mr T Dawson

                        Mr J Latham

                        Ms J Beenstock            Chief Executive, Southport & Formby PCT

In Attendance:-            Mrs J Massam            Southport & Formby PCT

                                    Mrs F Shaw              Assistant to the Chief Officer

                                    Mrs M Yarwood            Chief Officer

Brighter Living Partnership

The Chair welcomed Susan Gillen, Brighter Living Partnership Co-ordinator.

Susan outlined the background to the Brighter Living Partnership (BLP), which had originally been known as the Healthy Living Partnership.  The BLP comprises 60+ partner organisations working together to develop and support initiatives and projects aimed at improving the quality of life for people in Southport and Formby and promoting social inclusion.  Initiatives had been identified following a series of consultation events held some 3 yearsw ago involving voluntary groups and organisations and the public.

Projects currently funded from the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund (NRF) include reducing fuel poverty for vulnerable people, developing a quality mark for partner organisations and developing an accredited course for mentors to help vulnerable and excluded groups access services and information.

In addition, Health Action Zone (HAZ) funds are supporting the development of a club for older people in Crossens, a club for young people in Woodvale and a club for parents and families in High Park.

The BLP is also involved in discussions around the proposed re-development of Church Street with a view to siting a drop in facility and information point.

In conclusion, the Chairman thanked Susan for a most informative and enlightening presentation.

02/03.48            Minutes of Previous Meeting:-

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 18th February 2003, having been previously circulated, were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

02/03.49            Matters Arising

                        i.  Overseas Clinical Team

The Chief Officer updated members on this item.  The South African team, funded by the Department of Health as part of a national initiative to increase capacity and reduce waiting time targets, is scheduled to commence operations at Southport DGH on the 6th July for a 12-week programme.  Of the 450 orthopaedic cases to be seen, 66 will be local patients.  All of the patients will be those classified as ‘low risk’.  Follow up will take place at 6 weeks and 12 months.  The newly built modular ward and theatre will be retained by the Trust for further use once this project is completed.

02/03.50            Chair’s Report:-

                        AGREED      that the verbal report be accepted.

02/03.51            Chief Officer’s Report:-

                        AGREED      that the report be accepted.

02/03.52            Assistant to the Chief Officer’s Report:-

                        AGREED      that the report be accepted.

02/03.53            Public and Patient Involvement (PPI):-

the Chief Officer reported that Patient Forums will not now be established until 2004.  invitations for “Expressions of Interest” in contracting for providing patient forums are currently with voluntary and community organisations.  The PCT Patient Forum also has remit of promoting public involvement.  Each local Patient Forum will have some 15-20 lay members and will monitor the day to day management of health services in its area, including the private sector and GP practices, with a reporting mechanism to the Overview and Security Committee (OSC), Commission for Patient and Public Involvement (CPPI) and host trust.  The Chief Officer reminded members that Regional Office is looking to provide training for those members interested in moving into Patient Forums.

 Overview and Scrutiny Committees (OSCs) will take over the scrutiny and monitoring role.  Locally, protocols have been drafted and a separate Health Scrutiny Committee is to be formed with funding for a support officer.  The Chief Officer has been asked to comment on a draft Code of Practice for the local OSC.  This committee will be established after the local elections in May 2003.


02/03.54            ICAS Update:-

71 cases have been logged, of these, 13 cases have been closed and 20 cases are currently progressing through the NHS Complaints Procedure.  Whilst 2:1 complaints relate to hospital treatment, there has been an increase in the number of complaints around GP services.  Funding has been extended until the end of August.  “Expressions of Interest” in developing ICAS services have been invited from voluntary organisations, such as CABs.  An ICAS will be available as from the 1st September but it is not clear at this stage what form this will take.


02/03.55            CHC Abolition:-

 the CHC office continues to function.  Staff are involved in personal development plans and being encouraged to take advantage of training.  Sheila Claydon, previous Chief Officer, is part of the team which will oversee the wind down of CHCs in the North West.

 Arising from the CHC member’s report on the Access Advisory Group, it had been noted that there was a lack of “resting places” at the front of the entrance of Southport Hospital.  The Chief Officer proposed that it would be an appropriate gesture for the CHC to present a bench, with a commemorative plaque.  This was unanimously agreed.

 The Chief Officer reported that it was planned to holod a church service in commemoration of the work of the CHC, followed by a lunch, to which previous CHC members and other colleagues would be invited.  Discussion took place on the appropriateness of the church service and a vote was taken.

 AGREED            (i) that the Chief Officer progress the donation of a bench to Southport Hospital.

                         (ii) that the Chief Officer progress arrangements for a church service, followed by  lunch.

02/03.56        CHC representation:-

                        AGREED that the following reports be accepted.

                         Access Advisory Group, 6/2/03

                        Southport & Formby PCT, 5/3/03

                        Southport & Formby PCT Pharmaceutical Sub Group 26/3/03

                        Southport & Ormskirk Acute Trust, 11/2/03 & 11/3/03


02/03.57            Date of Next Meeting:-           17th June 2003 at 7.15pm at the Community Health Council office, 53 Houghton Street, Southport.


Southport Reporter is a registered Trade Mark.   Copyright © Patrick Trollope 2003.