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trick or treat!

The results I compiled as I walked around Southport, where eye opening and highly revealing, as I received a range of personal opinions on the subject of trick or treating; “This being a past time of mine”, the survey I performed revealed these shocking statistics. When I asked this question “Do you agree with trick or treating?” 27 people said No whereas 23 said yes, and one was not entirely sure. But does this match results I gained when I asked “Do you think its safe for children to trick or treat?” 8 people said yes, but a staggering number, 37 said no, leaving 5 members of the public unsure. So what does this say about modern day society and Halloween culture? As one person said, “Trick or treating is ok as long as the children's parents accompany them” It beggars you to ask is this yearly tradition just one big money making scheme.  One question asked in our survey was whether people played the children, 18 people answered yes, 32 no.     

There are according to some, “too many weirdoes out there, to allow your children to go from house to house.”  Some people were keen to express the fact that “it depends where you live”. But how true is this? 

“Have you ever been victim to a trick?” This question received 37 no answers and 12 yes with 1 person not quite convinced. As one lady commented “Its just children's fun”, but unlike the youth of today many people questioned were not allowed to do such things when they where young. So is this really a “tradition” that we want our youth to participate in, when according to some Halloween is “an American, money making tradition”. But what happens when childish fun turns to serious damage?. One lady when asked the question have you ever been a victim said “ after asking the trick or theaters to leave, as they were a week early, they came back and damaged my car”.     When we asked one person “Have you ever played a trick on someone?” they replied “but it all depends on your perspective as to what a joke is.” 


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Article by:- Amy Bridge


See the Full Questions and Results!