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5 Dec 2001

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Film review:- SPY Game

With big name actors like Robert Redford and Brad Pitt,  Director Tony Scott was on a winner, or was he?  With the bombings in America some might feel this film strikes close to home as the film has CIA operative Nathan Muir (Redford) is on the brink of retirement only finding his old friend is in trouble and that he has been roped into it.  I went in with good intentions, Brad Pitt and Robert Redford make an fantastic partnership, so I though this was going to be a good film.  This normally makes the film flop as you have the exportation that do not get for filled.   In this case, sorry for the bad pun, the film reminded me of a old British film called "Hopscotch", but with a totally different approach and with more action and twists.  Very interactive film this one, as you feel your self dawn into the "game" that writer Michael Beckner creates for you.   O' keep a count if you can of the wives in this story, if you can.    With a tagline:- "It's not how you play the game. It's how the game plays you."  as the tagline, it could be used to describe the plot.  This is not a normal American Spy Film, but one that is well matured and keeps you guessing from one moment to the next, but this does drag out at times with some of the sub-plots taking up to much time.  With violence and brief sexuality, the film got given a 15 certification, that was well deserved.  I don't think many kids would like this film any way as it is so complex a plot.  I think Tony Scott has taken notes from "Blade Runner" and "Apocalypse Now" in places.  As the old saying goes "If you like the title, we also recommend it".  Put your film comments on the record and use our chat.

Voices, first credits only:- Robert Redford as Nathan Muir, Brad Pitt as Tom Bishop, Catherine McCormack as Elizabeth Hadley, Stephen Dillane as Charles Harker, Marianne Jean-Baptiste as Gladys Jennip, Larry Bryggman as Troy Folger, Zoltán Benkóczy, Ian Boo Khoo as Chinese Prisoner, Ágnes Bánfalvy, Omid Djalili, Freddie Joe Farnsworth as Marine Radio Man, David Frankel, Barbara Hegyi, Ken Leung, Pál Oberfrank, Andrea Osvárt as Cousin of Muir, Kimberly Paige as Mrs. Muir, Athina Papadimitriu, Ian Porter as CNN Anchorman, Károly Rékasi, András Stohl and Tibor Szervéth       Film Review by Patrick Trollope.

Film Age Rating In The UK
                  Distributor:- Entertainment 
 Our verdict 4 stars out of five stars.
Running Time:- 127 Mins        
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