Bowel Cancer experts offer
advice to local patients

SPECIALIST nursing teams from the Royal
Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust are promoting Bowel
Cancer Awareness Month, during April 2016.
The team are hosting a series of bowel cancer awareness roadshows onsite at the
Royal and Broadgreen Hospitals to highlight the signs and symptoms of bowel
cancer and the importance of bowel cancer screening.
Bowel cancer is the 4th most common cancer in the UK and the second most common
cause of cancer deaths. In Merseyside and Cheshire, death rates from bowel
cancer are higher than the national average, with more than 570 people dying
from it each year.
The campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of the bowel cancer
screening kit for 60 to 74 year olds, and to encourage more people to complete
the simple test kit when it is mailed to them. This little kit could save
someone's life.
Staff from the specialist nursing team will be on hand to answer any questions
around bowel cancer screening; in addition they will be giving out patient
information leaflets and useful resources.
Geoff Fitzgerald, programme manager at the Royal for Liverpool Bowel Cancer
Screening Programme said:- "The bowel cancer awareness sessions are a
fantastic way for us to speak to patients about how they can look after their
bowel health. Also, the sessions are a great opportunity for us to answer any
questions they may have around the bowel cancer screening programme. In 2015 alone we saw 632 patients and removed polyps from over 63% of them.
Polyps, which are small growths on the inner lining of the bowel, can lead to
bowel cancer so removing them early can save lives. We are advising those
patients over 60 who have received the kit to get tested as soon as possible,
after all this little kit could save your life."
The team will be visiting the various sites on the following dates and times:-
Royal Liverpool University Hospital (Main foyer)
► Tuesday, 12 April 2016, 9am to 2pm.
► Tuesday, 19 April 2016, 9am to 2pm.
Broadgreen Hospital
► Thursday, 21 April 2016, 9am to 2pm.
People are advised to speak to their doctor/GP straight away if they experience
a change in their normal bowel habits lasting 3 weeks or more. They should look
out for 1 or more of the following symptoms:-
► Bleeding from your bottom and/or blood in your poo.
► A change in bowel habit that lasts for 3 weeks or more, especially a
looser or runny poo.
► Unexplained weight loss.
► Extreme tiredness for no reason.
► A pain or lump in their tummy.
Most of these symptoms won't be bowel cancer. However, if you're worried, it is
always best to make an appointment with your doctor to have the symptoms checked
If you're aged 60 to 74 and have not received your kit or you have misplaced your
kit you can call:- 0800 707 6060 to order a new 1.
If you are unable to attend the bowel cancer awareness sessions you can join in
the conversation, by taking part in our Tweet Chat.
You can show your support and ask questions by
Tweeting the team @RoyalLpoolHospitals and by using the hashtag #AsktheExpert, on Tuesday, 19
April 2016, between 2pm to 4pm. "Our bowel cancer specialist will be answering any questions you
may have on bowel cancer or the screening programme or general bowel health and
wellbeing." added the Trust. For more information you can also
visit Cancer Research UK's