Runners urged to join
leading 1st aid charity's marathon effort to save lives

ST John Ambulance has been chosen as
Active Leisure Events Ltd's charity partner for the MBNA Chester Marathon, on 2
October 2016.
The charity is offering runners in the North
West the chance to join its heroic team of runners who'll be taking part in the
marathon to support the vital work of the nation's leading first aid charity.
St John Ambulance has a limited number of
spaces available to runners who can commit to raising £250 on its behalf.
The 26.2 mile race route through the historic City of Chester will be lined with
first aiders from the charity ready to treat runners and spectators for a wide
range of injuries and medical conditions. The team will include 1st aiders,
doctors and paramedics working closely with the event organisers Active Leisure
Events Ltd. Volunteers from Active Leisure Events Ltd will be trained in first
aid by St John Ambulance before the event with a special emphasis on sports
related injuries.
Graham Ellis, Regional Training and Community Projects Manager for St John
Ambulance, said:- "Our runners get enormous satisfaction from knowing
they'll be quite literally running for other people's lives. We will also be
training a number of volunteers from Active Leisure Events in first aid so that
even more potential life savers will be on hand."
Andy White, Race Director at Active Leisure Events Ltd said:- "We've
worked with St John Ambulance at all our events since the first MBNA Chester
Marathon in 2010. During that time they have saved runners' lives and provided
vital first aid, and we are pleased to welcome St John Ambulance as our official
race charity. We rely on 600 to 700 volunteers at every event, who are often the
first on the scene of a medical incident, so they are looking forward to
receiving first aid training to develop their skills."
All runners fundraising for St John Ambulance will receive a branded running
vest and advice on nutrition and fundraising as they prepare for the big day.
To book your place, send an
email or call:- 0161 443 4315 for more
information about running for St John Ambulance.