Crosby Road Street Party Planned
Lifeboat Trust
Photographs with thanks to Zackary
Downey - ZED Photography

WITH the recent 90th birthday
celebrations of Her Royal Highness The Queen those Royalists in Crosby Road,
Birkdale are planning another huge Royal Street Party. The date has been set for
Sunday, 12 June 2016, from 12:30hrs to 19:00hrs with once again funds raised for
The Independent Lifeboat Trust. Bunting, flags and lots of cake we be the order
of the day; even the sun has been booked! Organiser Jonathan Cunningham MBE
said:- "We are delighted to once again be holding one of the best street
parties in the land and supporting our great local charity. We love our Queen
and this is a day to celebrate her amazing reign and life." Leaflets
have been distributed so organisers need to know who is attending. Payment
before to secure your place with adults £5 and children under 16 FREE. We now
wonder if Crosby Road with its 4th large party is the most royal street in the
UK? If you wish to attend or get involved then send an Dawn an
or phone:- 01704 320008. God save the Queen!

Watch the last street party time lapse on
YouTube. |