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Weekly Edition - Publication date:- 2017-11-11

-en Southport & Mersey Reporter

Local News Report  - Mobile Page


New Parking restrictions in Formby Village, what are your views?

AFTER objections raised over charges on Sumner Road Car Park, Formby, 2 surveys were commissioned for the Harington and Ravenmeols Wards and carried out in September 2015 and also in April 2017.  We are told that:- "In both surveys, special attention was also given to several areas where complaints had already been received, regarding obstructive and dangerous parking."

The latest survey results have shown that no parking displaced has happened into surrounding roads and now restrictions are required in some areas.

It is now planned to introduce a number of waiting restrictions on:- Halsall Lane, Gores Lane, Lonsdale Road, Rosemary Lane, Freshfield Road and also on Duke Street.

According to the briefing report issued to Ward Council Members, issued by Steve Johnston; who is the Team Leader (Highway Safety) proposed waiting restrictions are as follows:-

Halsall Lane
No waiting at any time...

South East side, from the North West side of Page Court to its junction with Gores Lane.

Gores Lane
No waiting at any time...

South East side, from its junction with Halsall Lane, to a point 6 metres North West of the North West kerbline of Graburn Road.

Lonsdale Road
No waiting at any time...

Both sides, from the common boundary of Numbers 101 and 103, to the common boundary of Numbers 56 and 58. Both sides, from a point 10 metres North of the North kerbline of Rosemary Lane, to the North kerbline of Rosemary Lane.

Rosemary Lane
No Loading or unloading at any time...

East side, from a point 56 metres North of the Northerly kerb line of Brows Lane to the North kerbline of Brows Lane; East side, from a point 126 metres North of the Northerly kerb line of Brows Lane to a point 108 metres North of the Northerly kerb line of Brows Lane.

Rosemary Lane
No waiting Monday to Saturday 10am to 4pm

South side, from a point 19 metres East of the East kerbline of Freshfield Road, to a point 260 metres East of the East kerbline of Freshfield Road.

Rosemary Lane
No waiting at any time...

Both sides, from the East kerbline of Freshfield Road, to a point 19 metres East of the East kerbline of Freshfield Road.

Rosemary Lane
No waiting at any time...

North side. from a point 15 metres North West of the North Westerly kerbline of Lonsdale Road to a point 15 metres South East of the South Easterly kerbline of Lonsdale Road.

Brows Lane
No waiting at any time...

South East side, from a point 95 metres South West of the South Westerly kerb line of Rosemary Lane projected to a point 160 metres South West of the South Westerly kerb line of Rosemary Lane projected.

Brows Lane

No waiting at any time South East side, from a point 15 metres East of the East kerbline of Freshfield Road, to a point 45 metres East of the East kerbline of Freshfield Road.

Duke Street
No waiting at any time...

South side, from the West kerbline of Three Tuns Lane, to a point 57 metres West of the West kerbline of Three Tuns Lane. South side, from a point 164 metres South West of the South West kerb line of Elbow Lane to a point 15 metres North East of the North East kerb line of Elbow Lane. North side from a point 120 metres South West of the South West kerb line of Elbow Lane to a point 203 metres South West of the South West kerb line of Elbow Lane.

We are told that the cost of advertising the new Traffic Regulation Order, will be ₤4000, that will include associated signage. This amount will be funded from the 2017/18 Traffic Management Revenue budget.

Do you agree with these new restrictions? Do you think it will help or add more pressure on local traders? Please let us know your thoughts via:- and also by posting on our Formby Reporter Facebook Page.

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