North West Air Ambulance says S.O.S.

THE North West Air Ambulance has taken over the lease of a shop in Tulketh Street in Southport and the plan is to open their first charity shop in July.
They are appealing for any skilled workers to help them add the "boutique
style", but unfortunately it's fallen on deaf ears! So if any of our readers are plumbers,
electricians, joiners and possibly plasterers please give us an email and we will pass your information on to them. Also if you knew of any companies who have any apprentices who would be willing to donate their time, again please email our news room at and we will pass the details on. Please help them if you can...
Night Life Vote 2005
See Southport's Best Clubs And Pubs...
report was added on Wednesday, in a joint release between the
Southport Champion and our selves. The report has photographs of the winners of
out Night Life Vote 2005 receiving the certificates and also a
report on what they said and see their the reactions. Click
on to see.