Armed Forces Weekend - Southport - 2014
Photograph by Patrick

AS the UK marked Armed
Forces Day, Southport held a 2 day event on Princes Park, and a
service at the Monument.
Saturday, 28 June 2014 was not the best of days, with cloud and
a cold wind keeping many away. Saturdays offered those who did
attend a chance to look at some classic military vehicles, along
with many displays and stands which had been
arranged around an arena, on Princes Park, across from the Vue
Cinema complex. The event also had performances taking
place in the arena, with bands playing and other similar things
taking place. The event also had one of the local Viking re-enactment groups taking part at it. What a difference a day
makes though, as Sunday, 29 June 2014 there was non-stop
sunshine and a fantastic temperature to boot. The day started
off with a service of remembrance at the Southport War Memorial,
on Lord Street. Following that were the service parades with
members of the local cadets along with local regiments and
veterans who headed out from the Memorial to the Town Hall and
also to Princes Park. In stark contrast to Saturday, Princes
Park was extremely busy, with slightly different things on offer
for those attending, to that which had taken place on the
Saturday. Again bands took part in live performances, along with
displays by various groups including the West Lancs. Dog Display
Both days proved to be a great day out for all ages, both
serving and not serving.
To see our photographic
coverage of this event click on
now! Also please do let us know what you thought of the
event by
our newsroom.
If you what to find out more
about these events that are held through out the UK, or if you
want to get involved with next year's events,
go to for more information.

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B.O.A. 70th Anniversary
video footage we have taken at
the 70th BOA events this year in
Liverpool has now been fully
edited is available to buy, on a
DVD, from our Online
on Mersey Reporter very soon.
For each DVD sold, £3.00 will go
to the Liverpool's Lord Mayor's
Charity Appeal. (Registered
Charity No. 229539) At
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Jamieson, happy
birthday from
the old Genesis
Rebecca Claire
Clark - Happy
Birthday to you
from all the
staff at Calvin
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