firefighters raise £10,000 for local charity

John Lennon Airport firefighters on the 9 May 2005 presented
Wirral based Children's Hospice, Claire House with a cheque for £10,000
following a number of fund raising events they had organised over
the past 12
Staff on 'Red Watch' chose to raise funds for this local charity
last year and in their off duty spare time have participated in
numerous car washes at local supermarkets, a sponsored plane pull
involving a 53 tonne, 235 seat Britannia Airways Boeing 757-200
and two Charity Balls for airport staff.
Presenting the giant cheque for £10,000 to Ron Hutchinson, Area
Fundraiser for Claire House, The Officer in Charge for Red Watch,
Kevin Hanrahan commented:- "All the team on Red Watch
were determined to raise sufficient funds to be able to make a
difference for the children at the hospice and we are delighted
that so many friends and colleagues have helped to make this
possible. A big thank you goes to all those who have helped with
the fundraising including the Airport and its partners, but
especially the many Airport staff who have contributed
Southport & Ormskirk Hospital PPI Forum coffee morning and
meeting, will be held in public, on Monday 16 May 2005 @ St
Georges Church Hall, Lord St, Southport between 10am to 12pm.
Please pop in and join us.
Night Life
Vote 2005
WE have still got a long way to go to count all the votes. The amount of votes have been far higher then we ever expected and due to a delay in getting some of the vote boxes in, we have had to defer the results for a week. We had hoped to have the results this week, but we will be displaying them in our next
issue. Thank you for such a great response!