Controversial scheme is approved

asking if it is good or bad news as Formby's Lighthouse Pub is set
to become a convenience store and new home of Formby based insurance
company company Acorn Insurance. The current building has been a
restraints, pub and nightclub and has long lost it's fake lighthouse
top, that made it a landmark and famous through out the region. But
the remaining building will soon be consigned to the history books
as well after the approval from Sefton MBC was given for the
project. The new building will be 2 stories and should alow upto 100
jobs to be created for local people. In resent years the oversized
village has been turning into 'dormitory town'. The
ground floor of this proposed building is to become a convenience
store with the top floor providing the office space to house the
£25m internet and and telephone based insurance company who had been
under pressure to move out of the area. The Ravernmeols Ward
Councillor Barry Griffiths told us that:- "Heading in from Liverpool
it is the first building you see. It has become run down over the
years and an eye sore. The new building is a fresh approach and will
be good for the area. We still don't know who will be running the
convenience store. I am having a clause added though, to stop them
from selling newspapers, to protect the likes of Squirrel Newsagents
and other existing local businesses." However, not everyone has seen
this move to approve the project as a positive result, with many
fearing that the development idea has gone to far. The Seftom MP
Bill Esterson has backed a petition signed by 300 people who all
opposed the application, along with many local small shops. The
Formby Civic Society has also added its concerns, as they feel that
the new building will not contribute to the character of the local
area in any positive way.

The owner of Squirrel
Newsagents said that:- "I'm self employed and it is hard
enough keeping things ticking over. I'm in the middle of not one,
but two new developments that want convenience stores in them, that
have been proposed as of late. Both are within a few seconds
walk from my shop on Liverpool Road! I understand that we want
to get more local jobs in the village, but this is just putting
added pressure on the existing small businesses, that we can ill
afford. I have no faith in what the council says anymore. They
don't listen to the people or local business. If it was just
office then that would be fine, but yet another convenience store?
How many can an area like this sustain? Formby already has four
supermarkets, several Spars' and One Stop; that's owned by Tesco.
Then we have another planned near me and rumours of another to come
on tope of this Lighthouse site one! I just hope people do
what Bill Esterson asks and continue to support the existing local
traders." So what are your views on this topic? Email
us now to and
let us know what you think! Also if any of our reads know when
the The Lighthouse venue was built, please do tell us, as we are
still trying to find out the correct year!

Fact file:- Did
you know that The Lighthouse got it's name from "The Formby
Tower"? The "Tower" was a Lighthouse that was
built in 1834 and demolished because it was a very prominent
landmark for German bombers to use, so in 1941 it was demolished.
These websites might be of added interest to you...
LINK 1 -
LINK 2 -
LINK 3 -
Sara Creeney Has Again Preformed Live In Southport's The Latin Longe

THE ever
stunning and highly talented singer Sara Creeney was back in
Southport on Friday, 8 April 2011. I will always remember seeing her
performance so many years ago, in Southport. She was a shy school
girl with a friendly attitude and a voice that was already quality.
Now quite a few years on she came to the Latin Lounge, Southport,
fresh from singing at a VIP event at No.10 Downing Street! Her voice
has always been as good, as has her stage presences, but now she has
changed into an act that is both stylish and very polished. Keep an
eye out for her as she will be going very far if she gets even the
slightest backing from a record company! She is now not only an
astonishing singer, but has kept that charm that she had when she
first started out. I look forward to seeing her on stage again soon!
