Bloomin’ marvellous!

MERSEYTRAVEL has donated £2,000 to
Knowsley Family Link, the organisation’s charity of the
year and
given it £500 worth of Saveaway tickets.
Knowsley Family Link, which is part of the SCOPE
charity, trains volunteers to help children with
disabilities take part in inclusive community
Sam Armstrong, Assistant Project Co-ordinator for
Knowsley Family Link, said:- “This is a
tremendously generous gift and we’d like to say a big
‘thank-you’ to everyone who works at Merseytravel for
choosing us as their charity this year, it’s brilliant!”.
The charity of the year is decided in a poll of every
member of staff within Merseytravel.
Neil Scales, Chief Executive and Director General of
Merseytravel, said:- ”We’re equally delighted to
be making this donation.
Our staff choose a charity every year to which we donate
money instead of sending out corporate Christmas cards
and then we hold raffles and other events throughout the
year to boost the total.”
£££ What is your
view? £££
WE are looking for your views on
banking practices in the UK. We want to know
how banks treat their customers.
What we would like to know from our
readers are which banks are good
and which are to be avoided at all costs... and why!
We will not reveal your names or any way
of identifying you in our follow up story, but we would like to know your real
name and your contact details, so that if your story
looks like a good example, we can contact you for more
information if required.
Their is no time limit at this point on
getting the information to us, but we hope to have the
majority in over the next two weeks.
If you think a bank should be
highlighted as a glowing example of how a bank should
conduct it's self, the please let us know...
If you have an
example of bad banking practice, again please let us