Woodvale Rally 2016 - the Latest Show Update

THIS year’s Woodvale Rally was a success, despite
the extremely heavy rain on the Sunday, which kept some of the exhibitors away,
and stopped play, the numbers of visitors flocking to the Victoria Park where,
in even larger numbers than ever since it moved to its new home. But the rain
did not put off the owner of the oldest surviving Vulcan motorcar in the world
from returning home. This amazing car was on display on the Sunday and drew in a
large crowed..

TThe twin cylinder model, made by The Vulcan Motor and
Engineering Company, in Southport, in 1904, was a joy to see. At 1 stage, the 2
seater even had Mr England, Chris Bramell and also Miss Liverpool, Molly McEntee-Morris
excited. Also on display was a 1907 Paterson with many other nostalgic classic
and vintage cars and trucks. Also attending this year’s show was Chloe Brown our
newly crowned Miss Southport 2016. That was not forgetting TV presenter Jonathan
Thompson and the Mayor of Sefton. Other highlights included the fantastic Unite
Southport Taekwondo display, Jema Leopold and her fantastic pony and horse show,
over 700 Morris Dancers, static and moving steam engines, the Skelmersdale Prize
Band, Mike Byrne and the Sunrockers, the West Lancs. Canine Centre Dog Display
Team, the 125 Battery Field Company, Army Reserves of the Royal Electrical and
Mechanical Engineers (REME), and many more!

Feedback has been extremely good, especially due to the return of
the model aircraft, so please let us know what you thought of this year’s show
via emailing us to:-
News24@SouthportReporter.com... For further
information about the show, please also visit:-
to see our photographic and video coverage, please click on
now, for Part 1. Part 2 will be in next weeks issue.
A unique photo shoot
with an amphibious craft and a stunning model is on offer to
local snappers

A monster of a photo
shoot for local photographers in the offering, as VAMPHire.com's
Laura Kolbusz will be modelling for a very unusual shoot at New
Brighton Rock, on the Wirral. This will be a group photography
modelling shoot, that will take place on 26 June 2016, with the
amazing LARC XV Defiant II. This shoot is a specialized
shoot, which has been gaining huge interest from petrolheads,
not only due to the craft, but also thanks to the amazing Laura.
She will have a good selection of things to be photographed in
and holding! Laura is a very experienced model, modelling a wide
range of clothing for designers including New Zealand's Lola
Fang. So don't miss out such an amazing opportunity! Click on
here to book your place
and also to find out more about this amazing shoot! Also to see
the machine in action visit this YouTube
B.O.A. 70th Anniversary DVD |
video footage we have taken at
the 70th BOA events this year in
Liverpool has now been fully
edited is available to buy, on a
DVD, from our Online
on Mersey Reporter very soon.
For each DVD sold, £3.00 will go
to the Liverpool's Lord Mayor's
Charity Appeal. (Registered
Charity No. 229539) At
this stage we can only do UK
postage options, but if you are
outside the UK, you can still
order copies, but only via
emailing our newsroom at:-
with your FULL address and we
will get back to you with a
postage cost and a payment link,
should you wish to continue. |
Lee Harrison,
happy birthday
from your
colleagues from
us to put your
or a friends
birthday in 1 of
our editions...
you have someone you want to say happy birthday to, for
then use the email address below to send us the
you want us say
happy birthday to, and/or a photograph.
us today! |